Scalenut transforms FarmPure’s content generation efforts into a breezy experience
Scalenut’s AI-powered content marketing and SEO tool turned out to be a much-needed solution for all these content challenges. FarmPURE’s content generation efforts were instantly streamlined by two popular features of the Scalenut platform —
Cruise Mode: The magic pen that writes on its own
Cruise mode enabled the FarmPURE team to write the first draft of all its blogs in under 5 minutes. By entering all the writing points and setting a basic context, FarmPURE left all the grunt work in writing to Scalenut’s Cruise Mode.
Cruise Mode instantly generated meaningful and SEO-focused content. The team used this draft as a solid base to build content tailored to their precise needs.

NLP Terms: The secret key to unlocking top spots in SERPs
With the help of Natural Language Processing terms generated automatically by Scalenut, FarmPURE could build content liked equally by humans and search engines. By integrating these semantically-related words (to the target keyword) into the article, FarmPURE could easily optimize its articles for the search engines.