Jun 14, 2023

Explore the Best Long Tail Keyword Research Tool in 2023

Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
Explore the Best Long Tail Keyword Research Tool in 2023
Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
Jun 14, 2023

Explore the Best Long Tail Keyword Research Tool in 2023

Explore the top long tail keyword research tools in 2023 and learn how to choose the right one for your SEO and content marketing efforts.
Explore the Best Long Tail Keyword Research Tool in 2023

Table of contents

In the world of search engine optimization (SEO), long tail keywords have emerged as a crucial strategy for driving targeted organic traffic to websites. Unlike generic keywords, long tail keywords are more specific and less competitive, allowing businesses to attract highly qualified target audiences. To effectively harness the potential of long tail keywords, it's essential to leverage the right research tools. In this blog post, we will understand what long tail keywords are and also explore some top-notch long tail keyword research tools that can elevate your SEO game.

What are Long Tail Keywords?

Long tail keywords are specific and highly targeted search phrases or terms that are typically longer and more specific than generic keywords. They usually consist of three or more words and are used to target a niche audience with a particular interest or intent.

 The term "long tail" originates from a graph that represents the distribution of keywords by their search volume. The graph typically shows a small number of highly popular and competitive head keywords on the left side, while the less popular and more specific long tail keywords form a longer tail on the right side.

Here's an example to illustrate the concept:

Head keyword: "shoes"

Long tail keyword: "black running shoes for women with arch support"

In this example, "shoes" is a broad and generic keyword that may have a high search volume, but it's also highly competitive and the best keyword. On the other hand, the long tail keyword "black running shoes for women with arch support" is more specific and has a lower search volume. However, it's more likely to attract targeted traffic from Google search users who are specifically looking for that particular type of shoe.

Introduction to Long Tail Keyword Research Tools

Long tail keyword research tools are software applications or online platforms that assist in finding and analyzing long tail keywords. These tools can help identify specific keywords that have lower competition and higher conversion potential. Below given are a few popular long tail keyword research tools.

8 Best Long Tail Keyword Research Tools in 2023

Scalenut's Free Long Tail Keyword Tool

Scalenut is an AI-powered SEO and content marketing platform that offers Free Long Tail Keyword Tool as a part of its Keyword Planner feature and is designed to provide users with a comprehensive list of long tail keywords that are relevant to their primary keyword. These keywords can be effectively utilized to optimize various types of website content, such as blog posts, product descriptions, and category pages. 

Scalenut’s Free Long tail Keyword Search provides users with a comprehensive list of long tail keywords that are relevant to their primary keyword. 

 Scalenut’s Long Tail Keyword Tool finds hundreds of relevant long tail keywords for any topic or industry.

Key Features 

  • It helps you perform keyword research and find hundreds of relevant long tail keywords for any topic or industry.
  • It analyzes the search intent and difficulty of each keyword and helps you choose the best ones for your content strategy.
  • It generates content briefs and outlines based on the top-ranking results for each keyword.
  • It provides real-time feedback and suggestions for optimizing your content for long tail keywords.


  • Free version available. 
  • Plans start at $23/mo

SEMrush’s Keyword Magic Tool 

SEMrush’s Keyword Magic Tool is a premium tool that provides the best keyword ideas that are relevant to your website. The Keyword Magic Tool provides an extensive keyword database for analysis across multiple supported regions.

SEMrush’s Keyword Magic Tool helps you find the right keywords for your website.

Key Features

  • You can see how competitive it will be to rank on each of your chosen keywords.
  • You can see what price you need to bid on each of your chosen keywords in order to rank for them so that you don’t spend more than you have to.
  • You can see the search volume, keyword difficulty, and other metrics for each keyword.
  • You can group keywords by topic or category.
  • You can export your keyword lists in various formats.


  • SEMrush’s pricing starts at $119.95 per month.


LongTailPro is an all-in-one SEO tool that has transformed from a keyword-research desktop application to a comprehensive platform for long tail keywords. It is particularly useful for finding high cost-per-click (CPC) long tail keywords for paid ad campaigns. 

 LongTailPro is ideal for generating related long-tail keywords from a seed keyword.

Key Features 

  • Ideal for generating related long-tail keywords from a seed keyword
  • Helps with competitor keyword research
  • Offers daily keyword tracking
  • Includes a keyword-rich domain name finder
  • Provides a rank value to determine keyword profitability


  • LongTailPro pricing starts from $59.99 per month or $539.99 per year.
  • LongTailPro also offers a free trial.


KWFinder is suitable for beginners as well as advanced bloggers, offering a clean interface and quick search functionality. It generates hundreds of low-competition keywords relevant to your site, accompanied by an SEO difficulty score. 

 KWFinder provides an SEO difficulty score for each keyword to determine ranking feasibility.

Key Features

  • Provides an SEO difficulty score for each keyword to determine ranking feasibility
  • Advanced features available for paid subscribers, including SERP analysis and rank tracking
  • Offers filtering options to refine keyword results
  • Free trial available to test advanced features
  • Primarily focused on Google SERP, consider alternative tools for other search engines


  • Its basic plan starts at $29.90 per month or $239.40 per year.
  • It also offers a free plan with limited features.


AnswerThePublic stands out as a top-notch tool for generating long-tail keyword suggestions. It operates by curating frequently asked questions regarding your seed keyword (the keyword you initially input) from various social media platforms, blogs, and forums.

AnswerThePublic stands out as a top-notch tool for generating long-tail keyword suggestions.

Key Features

  • Enter seed keywords and get hundreds of related questions asked by people
  • Get keywords that compare your seed keyword with other terms like alternatives, versus, like, etc.
  • See your new keywords organized in a circular diagram with modifiers and prepositions
  • Easily export your keyword list for offline analysis or other purposes
  • Choose from 40+ languages and 200+ regions for localized keyword results
  • Track changes in your keywords over time and identify current trends and seasonality


  • The plans start from $9 per month.

Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere is a browser extension available for Chrome and Firefox, making it one of the most convenient long tail keyword tools on this list. 

 Keywords Everywhere is a browser extension available for Chrome and Firefox.

Key Features

  • Adds widgets to Google SERPs displaying related keywords and "People also search for" keywords.
  • Provides data on monthly search volume, CPC, and competition.


  • The platform offers a free version with limited results.
  • The starting price is $10 per 100,000 credits.

Ahrefs Keyword Explorer

Ahrefs long tail keywords tool is a feature of Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer that helps you find low-competition keywords with high conversion potential.  

 Ahrefs long tail keywords tool helps you find low-competition keywords with high conversion potential.  

Key Features

  • Matching terms report: Displays keywords containing the seed keyword with search volume, keyword difficulty, traffic potential, and other metrics. Filters available to narrow down the list.
  • Questions toggle: Shows only keywords phrased as questions, useful for finding specific and intent-driven long-tail keywords for blog posts or informational content.
  • Include and exclude filters: Add or remove specific words or phrases from the keyword list. Useful for finding long-tail keywords for affiliate marketing by including words like "best," "review," or "vs."
  • Keyword difficulty score: Estimates the difficulty of ranking in the top 10 for a keyword based on backlinks of current ranking pages. Lower score indicates easier ranking. Helpful for finding long-tail keywords with low competition.


  • Their plans start from $99/month or $990/year with 500 keywords to research about.


Ubersuggest, acquired by Neil Patel, has become a powerful keyword research tool. It now includes a domain overview, backlink checking, and content suggestions with keyword searches. 

‍Ubersuggest provides keyword suggestions based on Google SERPs and Google Ads data.

Key Features

  • Keyword suggestions based on Google SERPs and Google Ads data.
  • SERP analysis feature provides an overview of the top 100 sites ranking for a term.
  • Keyword overview displays search volume data for the last 12 months.


  • Plan pricing starts from $12/month or $120/year.
  • Free trial available.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Long Tail Keyword Research Tool

When selecting a long tail keyword research tool, consider the following factors:

Ease of use: Choose a tool that is user-friendly and easily accessible.

Data accuracy and relevance: Pick a tool that provides accurate and up-to-date keyword data.

Search volume and competition: Opt for a tool that offers search volume and competition data to make informed decisions.

Integration with other SEO tools: Ensure that the chosen tool can be integrated with other SEO tools you use.

Price: Compare the pricing and features of each tool to find the most cost-effective option.

Conclusion: Picking the Right Tool for Your Needs

Choosing the best long tail keyword research tool depends on your specific needs, budget, and preferences. Some tools excel in keyword suggestions and search volume data, while others provide more advanced features such as competitor analysis and rank tracking. By considering the factors mentioned above and evaluating the features and pricing of each tool, you can select the right long tail keyword research tool that will help you improve your SEO and content marketing efforts. You can sign up for a 7-day free trial with Scalenut to explore the long tail keyword research feature. 

Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager
ABout the AUTHOR
Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager

Suman Samal is a Asst. Marketing Manager at Scalenut. She is a technology enthusiast with a keen interest in content marketing and SEO. She truly believes that with the right set of tools every organization can improve the ROI of their content marketing campaigns. She spends her time managing content operations at Scalenut and ensuring that everything we publish is of the highest quality.

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