Jul 2, 2024

How to Make Helpful Content for Google Rankings

Yana Sharma
How to Make Helpful Content for Google Rankings
Yana Sharma
Jul 2, 2024

How to Make Helpful Content for Google Rankings

Learn how to craft effective and helpful content that ranks high on Google. Dominate the search results with our guidance.
How to Make Helpful Content for Google Rankings

Table of contents

If you're looking to improve your website's search results, one key way is to focus on creating helpful content. Google's helpful content update has shaken up the SEO world, prioritizing sites that provide high-level and user-centered information. This type of content, known as evergreen content, is always relevant and useful, regardless of the date it was published. Some examples of evergreen topics include: "How-to" guides, listicles, and informative articles. However, it is important to avoid creating thin content, which refers to web pages with very little or no meaningful or substantive information. This article will guide you through the best practices to make your content work for your Google rankings and how to avoid being flagged as unhelpful content with little value under Google’s scrutiny. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your website produces such content that is beneficial to both your audience and your search engine rankings, ultimately helping you climb the search rankings.

How to create helpful content

Creating helpful content for Google rankings involves understanding your audience's needs and providing valuable, relevant, and high-quality information that addresses those needs. This is where content marketing comes in, as it focuses on creating content that is not only informative but also tailored to the needs of your target audience. Focus on producing original content that is well-researched, comprehensive, and engaging. Incorporate relevant keywords naturally, ensuring they fit within the context of your topic. Use clear and concise language, and structure your content with headings, subheadings, and bullet points to improve readability. Additionally, include images, videos, and links to reputable sources to enhance the user experience. Regularly update your content to keep it fresh and accurate, as Google favors sites that consistently provide current and useful information.

Understand Your Audience

Before jumping into content creation, it's crucial to understand who your audience is. Knowing your target audience's likes, dislikes, needs, and preferences allows you to tailor your content to suit their requirements, thereby promoting higher engagement and satisfaction. Remember, helpful content is only beneficial when it resonates with the right audience and provides better information for their needs.

Identifying pain points, interests, and questions

To generate truly valuable content, you need to dig deeper into understanding your audience. Consider these pointers:

  • Identify Pain Points: What challenges are your audience facing? What problems can you help solve?
  • Uncover Interests: What topics resonate most with your audience? An analysis of trending articles or social media discussions can reveal popular subjects.

Quantify Questions: What are the frequent questions your audience asks? Tools like google search console or even your site's comment section can provide insights.

Knowing their interests and challenges can shape your content strategy, ultimately making it more relevant and engaging.

Keyword Research

Creating helpful content isn’t just about addressing your audience’s needs. It’s also about making sure they can find your content in the first place. That’s why keyword research is a crucial aspect of crafting SEO-friendly, helpful content. By incorporating relevant keywords into your content, such as content quality, you bring your offerings closer to those searching for them on Google, enhancing your site's visibility.

Select the right tool according to your business needs and budget constraints. However, remember that keywords should be seamlessly incorporated into your content without compromising readability or user intent. You can use the Scalenut's Keyword Planner Tool to get the keywords best suited for your website.

Create High-Quality Content

Creating high-quality content with a clear primary purpose is an amalgamation of thorough research, audience understanding, and strategic use of keywords. The primary purpose of the content should always be to deliver clear and actionable information that directly hits the user intent. It’s about bringing together the elements of authenticity and SEO optimization to produce content that satisfies both – the readers and Google's algorithm. Use Scalenut's Article writer powered by AI to create Search Engine Optimized content.

Creating high-quality content isn’t merely about getting the facts straight; it’s also about presenting these facts in an easily digestible format. Enhancing content readability can significantly improve user engagement. Consider the following points:

  • Use Headings and Subheadings: They make helpful content easy to scan while guiding the reader through your post.
  • Incorporate Bullet Points: Simplify complex ideas and make your content more digestible.
  • Add Visuals: Charts, infographics and images can break up text-heavy sections and help explain complex concepts efficiently.

Keep in mind; a well-structured piece of content is more readable, enjoyable, and shareable - a win-win for both users and search engines.

Optimize for SEO

While creating high-quality, user-centered content is crucial, it's also essential to ensure your content is highly discoverable by search engine spiders. Search engine optimization, or SEO, plays a critical role in increasing content visibility. This goes beyond just using relevant keywords; it extends to incorporating technical SEO practices that make your content more search engine friendly.

Technical optimization – HTML tags, optimized images, fast loading speeds

Technical SEO elements are key to improving your site's overall lookup in search results:

HTML Tags: Title tags and meta descriptions can greatly influence click-through rates, while header tags (H1, H2, H3) improve readability and keyword relevancy.

  • Optimized Images: Compressed images with relevant alt text can enhance site speed and accessibility, while also providing additional context to search engines.
  • Fast Loading Speeds: A user-friendly site should load swiftly, preventing user drop-off. Using a caching plugin, reducing server response time, or enabling browser caching could significantly improve your site speed.

Remember, a technologically optimized website creates an enjoyable and flawless user experience, consequently reflecting positively on Google rankings.

Provide Unique Insights

One surefire way to stand out from the ocean of content on the internet is by offering unique insights. Whether these come from original research, expert opinions, or case studies, they add much value to your content. Remember, in a highly competitive digital landscape, presenting new perspectives or lesser-known facts, such as through thorough product reviews, can significantly enhance your content's appeal, both to users and search engines.

Offering unique perspectives, original research, case studies, or expert opinions

Consider these ways to provide unique insights:

  • Unique Perspectives: Putting an original spin on an existing topic can make your content stand out.
  • Original Research: Sharing findings from surveys or studies conducted by your organization can offer exclusive insights.
  • Case Studies: Real-life examples or success stories make for compelling and relatable content.
  • Expert Opinions: Featuring authority figures from your industry can lend credibility and depth to your posts.

Remember, distinctive, insightful content is memorable and shareable, serving to nurture loyal audience relationships while painting your brand as an industry leader.

Fresh, original content valued by Google

Google prioritizes fresh, original content in its rankings, making it crucial to keep your content updated and relevant. Regularly adding new information or perspectives, also known as new content, helps maintain your content's freshness factor, boosting its appeal for both users and search engine crawlers. In essence, keeping your content fresh not only offers continued value to your audience but also signals to Google that your site is active, reliable, and committed to providing valuable information. As a result, it positively contributes to your SEO ranking.

Use Clear Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

A well-placed, clear Call-to-Action (CTA) can be a game-changer in your content. CTAs guide your audience towards taking a desired action, such as subscribing to a newsletter, downloading an e-book, or making a purchase. By encouraging user engagement, CTAs can significantly impact your content performance, driving better conversion rates, and enhancing overall business goals.

Encouraging reader engagement and improving content performance

Effective CTAs seamlessly guide your audience to take the next desired step in their user journey. Whether it's asking them to share your post, leave a comment, sign up for a webinar, or download a free resource, CTAs can spur engagement and increase conversions. A carefully crafted CTA ensures that your readers clearly understand the action you want them to take, leading to optimized content performance. Remember, a success-oriented CTA encourages not just passive readership, but active participation, transforming your audience from mere observers to involved contributors.

Focus on User Experience

User experience (UX) plays a pivotal role in how Google values your content. A positive UX means your site is user-friendly, easy to navigate, and provides value to your audience. This involves ensuring your site is mobile-friendly, presents clearly organized information, and conveniently guides users to the desired action or information. Prioritizing UX and page experience, including limiting ads and affiliate links that can lead to a poor user experience, can significantly improve dwell times, reduce bounce rates, and boost your SEO ranking by allowing users to easily access the main content.

Mobile-friendliness, easy navigation, and visual appeal

To optimize your website's user experience, consider these key aspects:

  • Mobile-Friendliness: With most users accessing content on smartphones, ensuring your site is mobile-friendly is vital.
  • Easy Navigation: Clear site structure helps users find the information they need quickly and efficiently.
  • Visual Appeal: An aesthetically pleasing design with well-spaced text and attention-grabbing visuals enhances UX.

Remember, an intuitive, attractive, and responsive website not only keeps users engaged but also encourages return visits, helping you build a loyal audience base and improve your Google rankings.

Promote and Build Authority

After creating valuable, SEO friendly content, promoting it to reach your target audience is equally crucial. Actively promoting your content through various channels increases its visibility, draws in more traffic, and builds your brand's authority. Additionally, encouraging backlinks from reputable websites further boosts your content's credibility, propelling your SEO performance.

Encouraging backlinks from reputable websites

Backlinks — or inbound links from other websites — act as endorsements, highlighting the value and credibility of your content. A higher number of quality backlinks signal to Google that your content is valuable, boosting your authority in SERPs. Proactively reach out to non-competitor sites in your niche and request them to link to your content. Offering to guest blog for industry leaders in exchange for a link is another effective way. Your content must of course be high-quality, relevant, and value-adding to secure backlinks from reputable sources. Remember, well-earned backlinks can significantly enhance your website’s visibility and authority.

Monitor and Adapt

Creating and publishing helpful content for Google rankings is not a one-time effort. It necessitates consistent monitoring and adaptation, with the revamped SEO Starter Guide from Google serving as the first step on your SEO journey. Using analytics tools, track how your content performs over time, which pieces attract more traffic, and the ones that fall short. Continually refining your content strategy based on these insights helps optimize performance and lets you navigate the ever-evolving world of SEO effectively. Scalenut's Traffic Analyzer tool is best suited to get metrics of your webpage.

Continuously monitor content performance using analytics tools

Monitoring your content performance is vital to comprehend its effectiveness. Using tools like Google Analytics can provide data on crucial aspects such as organic traffic, bounce rate, page dwell time, etc. Track these metrics periodically and identify trends. Are certain types of posts attracting more visits? Is a particular topic causing high bounce rates? Delving deep into these metrics allows you to make data-driven content decisions, refine your content strategy, and consistently cater to your audience's evolving needs while also appealing to Google's algorithm.

Stay Updated

Finally, staying abreast of Google's most recent algorithm updates and SEO trends is crucial to maintaining and enhancing your online presence. Regularly refreshing and updating your content ensures its relevance, aligning with the dynamically changing user preferences and Google's ranking criteria. It safeguards your website from losing its edge and keeps you competitive in the digital landscape.

Staying abreast of Google's algorithm updates and SEO trends

Any alteration to Google's search algorithm can cause significant shifts in SERPs, impacting your site’s visibility. Staying updated with these changes, understanding their implications, and adapting your SEO tactics accordingly is paramount. Various SEO communities and blog posts (like this one!) provide valuable information about algorithm modifications. Further, following Google’s public announcements and guidance can help you stay in sync with the latest SEO trends. Regularly equipping yourself with these updates ensures that your SEO strategy remains contemporary and optimized for success.


The journey to crafting helpful content for Google rankings involves numerous steps, from understanding your audience's preferences to conducting insightful keyword research, from creating high-quality helpful content to ensuring optimum readability, and from optimizing SEO techniques to promoting your content across channels. More importantly, it requires you to consistently deliver value, stay updated with the evolving SEO trends, and adapt accordingly. However, be cautious about focusing only on technical aspects; at the heart of your endeavors should always be your audience - your content should primarily aim to help, inform, and engage them. And remember, your efforts toward creating high-quality, reader-centric content do not go unacknowledged by Google. So, continue to focus on delivering valuable, user-focused, and well-optimized content that resonates with your readers. Keep fine-tuning your tactics, refining your technique, and evolving your strategy for a strong, lasting online presence.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly does "helpful content" mean in the context of Google rankings?

Helpful content refers to information that effectively addresses users' queries or needs. It provides valuable insights, answers questions comprehensively, and offers practical solutions or guidance.

How do I ensure my content is mobile-friendly?

To ensure mobile-friendliness of your content, adopt a responsive website design, keeping text and visuals proportionate and readable for smaller screens. Additionally, utilize tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to identify and rectify issues that might hinder your site's mobile performance.

What are some Google Analytics metrics I should track for content performance?

For content performance, focus on metrics like Organic Traffic (number of users coming from search engines), Bounce Rate (percentage of visitors who leave after viewing only one page), Page Dwell Time (how long a user stays on a page), and Conversion Rate (percentage of users completing a desired action).

Yana Sharma
Content Writer
ABout the AUTHOR
Yana Sharma
Content Writer

Yana Sharma, an experienced blogger specializing in topics such as SEO (Search Engine Optimization). With a passion for digital marketing and a keen understanding of search engine algorithms, Yana Sharma crafts insightful and informative blog posts to help businesses and individuals optimize their online presence. Through practical tips, industry insights, and expert guidance, she empowers readers to navigate the ever-changing landscape of SEO and achieve their online goals

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