Jul 9, 2024

Can Grammarly Detect AI Writing?

Vaishnavi Ramkumar
Can Grammarly Detect AI Writing?

Can Grammarly Detect AI Writing?

Explore the topic of "can Grammarly detect AI writing" on our blog for insights and information on this interesting query.
Can Grammarly Detect AI Writing?

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As content generation using AI-powered technology prospers, the realm of written content has seen an overhaul. Today, AI writing platforms have streamlined content creation and significantly enhanced its accessibility, efficiency, and quality. 

However, this development has also presented a fresh challenge - distinguishing between human-written and AI-generated content with a high probability. 

Given the significant implications on academic integrity, copyright infringement, and content originality, measures to detect AI writing have become essential. 

Turnitin has emerged as a prominent plagiarism detection software helping academia extensively. But another widely used tool, Grammarly, known for its editing prowess powered by AI, presents an interesting query: can it detect AI-generated content? This discourse delves into this crucial query for a comprehensive understanding.

What is Grammarly?

Grammarly online checker 

Launched in 2009, Grammarly is a highly acclaimed digital writing assistance tool that leverages AI to correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and more. 

It provides real-time error detection and makes suggestions to improve language proficiency and readability, facilitating effective communications. Beyond fundamental grammar checks and spell checks, Grammarly's advanced AI-powered system also helps enhance the tone and style of content, contributing significantly to creating refined and compelling narratives through its AI-generated rephrasing suggestions and wording changes.

The role of Grammarly in content creation

In today's digital world, writing efficiently is crucial for academic success, professional growth, and effective communication across domains. Grammarly has been instrumental in making these tasks better with its sophisticated AI capabilities. 

From correcting routine grammatical errors and spelling mistakes to enhancing content tone, it aids users in expressing their thoughts more eloquently by providing real-time feedback and suggestions. 

This highly interactive nature of Grammarly fosters learning, allowing users to understand their common errors and areas for improvement. Consequently, users can enhance their writing skills continually while ensuring high-quality content through sentence and paragraph rewrites.

Adding to its versatility, Grammarly integrates easily with various platforms like MS Word and Google Docs and can also be used as a browser extension, desktop program, and mobile keyboard app. 

It adapts to specific user requirements, providing personalized assistance based on the user's specific goals and target audiences. By helping individuals write better, Grammarly not only promotes effective communication but also boosts confidence–making it a central asset in any content creator’s toolkit, eliminating the need to constantly switch between tabs and applications.

Can Grammarly Detect AI Writing? 

Short answer: No. Grammarly cannot detect AI writing alone as the tool lacks AI detection capabilities. However, the tool helps in AI detection when used with other sophisticated models like Scalenut. It helps detect grammatical errors, fixes sentence structure, and improves sentences, resulting in better content quality. Scalenut, on the other hand, detects the AI content, which can be re-structured with Grammarly or paraphrased using Scalenut paraphrase. 

Grammarly features that aren’t considered AI writing

Apart from its AI-based capabilities, Grammarly houses a number of fundamental features that do not involve AI writing. These entail basic proofreading functions such as correcting grammatical mistakes, identifying spelling errors, checking punctuation errors, and highlighting syntax issues. While these features leverage a form of AI – rule-based systems – to identify and correct errors, they don't entail generating new content but operate on predefined algorithms instead. Therefore, they are not considered AI writing.

Grammarly's AI-Powered Features

Grammarly bolsters its functionality with robust AI-powered features. It incorporates Natural Language Processing (NLP) to enhance readability and language fluidity. Advanced algorithms use machine learning to recognize patterns and detect errors more accurately. Deep learning models, part of its AI ensemble, help in understanding subtle language nuances and provide style and tone suggestions. Finally, Grammarly boasts user-specific personalization, learning user preferences over time and providing context-sensitive corrections and suggestions. 

These AI-based features, including the newly launched generative AI feature GrammarlyGo, form the backbone of Grammarly and elevate its status as an all-encompassing digital writing assistant.

Grammarly GO AI features 

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing refers to the intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence, and linguistics that enables machines to understand, generate, and respond to human language. 

Grammarly incorporates NLP to facilitate nuanced understanding and interpretation of human language, making it more useful and relevant to its users.

In the back end, when analyzing text, Grammarly's NLP-powered system breaks down sentences into their grammatical constituents while understanding the interconnectedness and relationships between words. This dissection allows it to detect grammatical errors, contextual spelling mistakes, and inappropriate punctuation usage with precision. Moreover, it helps the software grasp the text’s overall thematic context and flow, enabling it to provide stylistically aligned and contextually accurate suggestions.

By leveraging NLP, Grammarly can identify complex language issues and provide comprehensive feedback, marking a remarkable leap from traditional spell-checking tools. This advance enables users to improve not just the correctness but also the clarity, engagement, and delivery of their writing – fostering improved language proficiency and effective communication.

Machine Learning and Algorithms

Machine learning, a subset of AI, is another force that powers Grammarly's capabilities. It utilizes detailed algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data, learning from patterns invoiced in millions of sentences to comprehend and predict correct language usage. The more text it evaluates, the better its predictive accuracy and error correction abilities become.

One of the primary strengths of Grammarly's use of machine learning is its capacity to learn, evolve, and improve with each text it examines. It identifies data patterns that reveal grammatical inaccuracies, abnormal phrasing, or potential avenues for enhancing language clarity or relevance. This continuous improvement process ensures that Grammarly remains up-to-date and efficient in offering language enhancement.

Moreover, deep learning models, a part of machine learning architecture, enable Grammarly to understand subtle language nuances and provide tone and style suggestions. They consider factors such as sentence length, word choice, and punctuation to offer guidance on making writing more formal, affable, polite, or confident – greatly enriching its editorial assistance capabilities.

User-Specific Personalization

Grammarly personalization feature 

The key element that defines Grammarly's success in being a go-to writing assistant is its ability to offer user-specific personalization. Grammarly learns from users' writing styles, common errors, and preferences over time to provide truly personalized assistance. It will offer corrections and suggestions that reflect your unique writing style and the common issues you tend to grapple with while writing.

Additionally, Grammarly permits its users to set specific goals related to the nature of the content – be it academic work, business communication, or casual writing. 

Depending on these defined objectives, Grammarly tailors its assistance output, identifying and rectifying specific language errors relevant to the nature of the assigned goal.

Grammarly’s user-centric approach extends beyond rectifying errors by taking into account an individual’s preferred word choice, voice, mood, and more. Through these nuanced personalizations, Grammarly ensures that its users maintain their unique voice and style, enhancing content while preserving authenticity.

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How Grammarly works in detecting AI content?

As said, Grammarly does not directly detect AI writing. However, it works in tandem with other AI content detectors that uses advanced algorithms to analyze writing and detect AI-generated content by identifying patterns, language inconsistencies, and a lack of human nuances.

It compares text against a vast database to flag suspicious content, which helps maintain authenticity and credibility in writing. For instance, Grammarly when used with Scalenut AI content detector, can play a phenomenal role in analyzing repetitive sentences through sentence repetition, grammar correction and restructuring the sentences. 

Here’s how it can work together in AI content detection: 

Identify the gap between human and AI writing

While AI has made significant strides in generating human-like text forms, discerning differences remain between human and AI writing. 

Human writing reflects the individual's experiences, emotions, biases, unique perceptions, and creativity, which add depth and diversity to the content. Moreover, humans possess an inherent ability to grasp abstract concepts, appeal to common sense, and articulate complex emotions, which AI currently cannot mimic with comparable fluency.

On the other hand, AI writing, regardless of how advanced, stems from algorithms that evaluate massive text sources to predict language patterns and outcomes. These AI algorithms, though impressive, often struggle to capture the nuances of language, subtle humor, cultural references, specific connotations, and the evolving nature of language.

Given this gap, AI detectors like those used by Scalenut look for linguistic patterns, writing styles, and sentence structures typical to AI tools, helping to distinguish AI-generated content. While Grammarly improves grammatical accuracy and style consistency, its lack of AI detection features signifies this distinction.

Strengths and limitations of Grammarly's AI detection

While Grammarly doesn't officially provide AI content detection, it excels in several areas attributable to its AI capabilities. Utilizing NLP, machine learning, and user-specific personalization, Grammarly offers precise grammar correction, contextual spelling detection, and tone enhancement – making it an efficient digital writing companion.

Nonetheless, detecting AI-generated content remains a notable limitation in Grammarly's suite of functionalities. It may also falter at times in understanding the subtleties of creative writing or highly specialized terminologies and jargon. Another probable concern pertains to data privacy since Grammarly has access to all the text it scans.


  • Advanced grammar correction
  • Contextual spelling detection
  • Tone and style enhancement


  • No AI content detection
  • Might struggle with creative writing or specialized jargon
  • Possible concerns over data privacy

Given these strengths and limitations, while Grammarly presents a powerful tool for enhancing content quality, its application for AI content detection necessitates additional external tools or resources.

Plagiarism checker functionality

An important functionality of Grammarly lies in its capacity to detect plagiarism. As part of its premium version, Grammarly provides a comprehensive plagiarism detection feature that contrasts the user's writing against billions of web pages and published work to identify potential instances of plagiarism. This becomes particularly useful in academic scenarios, helping students maintain academic integrity and avoid inadvertent plagiarism.

Grammarly's plagiarism checker not only detects exact matches but also identifies uncited paraphrased material, ensuring a thorough scan. By highlighting the parts that are borrowed and providing links to the original content, it offers a simple way to compare and ascertain if content is original or borrowed.

This plagiarism detection mechanism, however, cannot discern AI-generated content from human writing. Therefore, if a student uses an AI tool to create content, Grammarly’s plagiarism checker is unlikely to flag it, making AI-generated content appear original unless inspected by dedicated AI detection tools.

Common AI Writing Patterns

AI writing tools, like ChatGPT, follow certain patterns that can be recognized by AI detection tools.

 These patterns can include syntactical structures, repetitive phrases, excessive verbosity, unusual coordination among sentences, unnatural formatting, and style inconsistency. AI-written content might also exhibit biased perspectives or misinformation as they're trained on large volumes of web text, mirroring the data they consume. 

Identifying these common patterns can aid in discerning AI-generated content from human-driven, hence maintaining content authentity.

Also Read:  9 Ways to Humanize AI Content

Content generated by popular AI writing tools

Popular AI writing tools like ChatGPT or Jasper generate content based on models trained on vast internet text. However, they are programmed to forget specifics about the data they've learned, including individual documents or sources. 

Their AI system, which includes an ultra-level algorithm, lies in recognizing patterns in the data they’ve been trained on and generalizing from these patterns. Consequently, texts generated by these tools might replicate the structure and style embodied in their training data.

These tools feature realistic language generation capabilities that simulate human-like texts. These include high-quality grammar, diverse vocabulary, appropriate semantics, and coherent sentence structure. They can generate meaningful content in response to prompts, creating blog posts, essays, speeches, and even creative stories.

However, they do have limitations. The texts they create can sometimes be non-sensical, irrelevant or factually incorrect. Given their inability to think or understand, they often fail to consider real-world knowledge or context. These nuances of AI-generated content demand particular attention to distinguish them from human writing.

Clues that indicate AI-generated text

AI-generated content often leaves behind clues that can help distinguish it from human-written content:

  • Repetitive phrases or ideas: AI writing tools oftentimes repeat certain phrases or ideas, displaying a lack of creativity or thought process characteristic of human writing.
  • Absence of nuanced understanding: AI content may lack the nuanced understanding or interpretation of abstract ideas displayed by human authors.
  • Fluctuations in tone or style: AI writing might exhibit uncharacteristic fluctuations in tone or style, potentially switching between formal and casual tones abruptly.
  • Missing or incorrect context: AI tools sometimes fail to maintain contextual relevance throughout a piece, leading to inconsistencies or ambiguity in content.

Spotting these signals can help identify AI-generated content, ensuring the conservation of human creativity and originality in written content.

The Future of AI Writing Detection

The future of AI writing detection lies in its continuous refinement to mitigate false positives and improve accuracy.

 As AI writing tools advance, so will detection tools, evolving algorithms, enhancing machine learning models, and incorporating more sophisticated technology. 

Future developments will also likely consider the ethical implications of using such systems, addressing concerns around data privacy, fair use, and balanced scrutiny. Ultimately, distinguishing between AI-generated and human-written content while respecting user data privacy will be key in maintaining the credibility and authenticity of content through careful submission and verification processes.

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Scalenut: A Better Alternative to Grammarly 

While Grammarly effectively enhances written content, it cannot detect AI-generated content. Scalenut, another AI-based platform, carries robust features that cater both to content enhancement and AI detection, thereby serving as a superior alternative.

Scalenut’s AI detector differentiates AI-created content from human writing with impressive accuracy, ensuring content integrity. It also provides the convenience of a grammar checker, spelling corrector, and writing assistant, parallel to Grammarly's features, offering a comprehensive system for your content needs.


AI writing has transformed content creation, offering a practical method for generating text. However, it poses a significant challenge in discerning genuine human-written content from AI-generated versions. While AI detection tools are evolving to tackle this challenge, the wide acceptance and use of AI-based writing assistance tools like Grammarly add another layer of complexity to the issue.

Grammarly, despite its AI-powered features, doesn’t offer an AI content detection feature. Thus, while it revolutionizes writing with its advanced grammar correction, contextual spelling detection, and tone enhancements, it leaves a gap in the sphere of AI detection. Correspondingly, the use of Grammarly can often result in false positives in an AI detection scan.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can AI-generated writing get past Grammarly's plagiarism checker?

Indeed, AI-generated content can pass through Grammarly’s plagiarism checker undetected. Unless the AI-generated content references directly from existing web pages or published materials, Grammarly's plagiarism checker isn't programmed to detect such texts as it primarily operates to identify plagiarized content.

How does Grammarly differentiate between human and AI-generated content?

Currently, Grammarly does not possess the ability to differentiate between human and AI-generated content. Its functionalities are focused more on improving language competency and readability rather than on distinguishing the origin of the content.

Is using AI writing tools considered unethical?

The ethicality of using AI writing tools can be subjective and highly dependent on their purpose of use. Using AI to generate ideas or assist writing could be seen as valid, whereas replacing human effort and input entirely with AI-generated content may be considered unethical.

Can Grammarly detect ChatGPT?

As of now, Grammarly does not have the capability to detect content generated by AI platforms like ChatGPT or other similar tools. Grammarly's focus remains primarily on enhancing written content, not on differentiating between human and AI-generated content.

Vaishnavi Ramkumar
Content Marketer
ABout the AUTHOR
Vaishnavi Ramkumar
Content Marketer

Vaishnavi Ramkumar is a content marketer specializing in creating BOFU content for SaaS brands. She believes reader-centric content is the sure-shot way to generate high-quality leads through content marketing. As part of the Scalenut team, Vaishnavi curates content that drives brand awareness and boosts signups. When she's not crafting content, you can find her immersed in the pages of a good book or a course.

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