Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
Oct 16, 2021

What is Content Writing: Tips & Techniques to Become Content Writer

Do you know what content writing is? This article will tell you about different types of content writing and their use in digital marketing.
What is Content Writing: Tips & Techniques to Become Content Writer

Table of contents

Even if you run a business, your customers are online and need to communicate with you in different ways and use different content. One of the most important types of content is text content, and people are most willing to take up this job as a writer.

If you love writing or are interested in it as a career, you must know what content writing is.

In this guide, we will share what content writing is and what skills should you have to write compelling content.

What is Content Writing?

Content writing is a process of converting information into written form. Content writing is the key to success in the world of digital marketing.

Content Marketing Institute defines content writing as a part of a marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

With the increase in competition and competition in the digital world, it is essential to have unique and always relevant content. Content writing helps you to stay ahead of your competitors. Content writing is a significant part of digital marketing has made it one of the most sought-after skills.

It can include writing blog posts or articles on different topics that are all posted simultaneously to multiple places online to get people's attention quickly about an important issue or problem so they will know not to ignore it any longer.

Why are Content Writing Skills important?

Content writing is one of the essential skills that you need to create high-quality content. The internet is full of valuable information, and it has become straightforward for people to get all the information they need.

However, many companies fail because they do not know how to share their content correctly. The right content can make a company's website more successful and profitable.

What most people think about content writing is just writing good articles. This isn't true always.

Content writing need not be only for blog posts. It can also be used for specific content formats like:

  • Video content scripts
  • Social media posts
  • Podcast descriptions and titles
  • Email newsletters
  • White paper
  • Website copy
  • Sales copy
  • Landing pages
  • Product descriptions
  • YouTube video descriptions

Before you start churning out the content, you must understand various content basics to be skilled at content writing of various types.

Content Writing basics

The first and foremost step to content creation is doing market research. Before you start writing content, it is important to create, understand, plan and develop a strong content strategy.

Conduct a research

You should use accurate information in your content. If you make up stuff, you might end up losing the trust of your audience and Google. Hence, market research is highly coveted here.

Create content is filled with facts and research. This will help you build your content authority and authority. It will also give you a better understanding of your audience and their needs, wants, and expectations.

Make sure to be aware of the latest Google algorithms to improve your visibility on the search engine results page. Here is what you should keep in mind while researching:

Business Goals

A content strategy is essential to create perfect content that will help you achieve your business goals. It must be relevant and valuable for the readers of your website.

This step requires you to know how many people are visiting your site, how they are using it, and what content they are interested in.

Conducting this step is very important because it will help you get the most out of your efforts. Different types of people visit your site, so creating content that appeals to each one can be tricky. Therefore, you should not just focus on the kind of content that is useful for your target audience.

It would help if you created an appealing and compelling piece of content, which will benefit both you and your visitors.

Understand Buyers' Persona

As you develop your content strategy, it is essential to understand the persona of your visitors. You should take into consideration their interests and motivation when creating an engaging piece of content.

Use these personas to create an appropriate piece of content that will be useful for them. You can quickly get this information by asking your customers questions about their goals and needs.

When creating content, you should consider the target audience's demographics to create a valuable piece of content for them. Some of the most relevant ways to understand the buyers persona are:

  • Create polls and surveys for your audience.
  • Conducting customer interviews
  • Ask customers to fill out the forms about the experience of your brand.
  • Run a particular media campaign or questionnaire to understand their needs.

Search Intent

Google talks a lot about how to understand what users are searching for when using different queries. To create great content, you must be clear of the search intent. Answering your user's queries is the most helpful way of creating user and search engine-friendly content.

There are various types of search intent that your audience might use to look for the answers:

Informational: Users who are looking for information about a product or service. 

Commercial: Users who are looking to purchase the products or services they need.

Directive: Users who want you to take action on their behalf. They might ask questions like "Can I get my money back?" or "how to fix an issue?"

Navigational: the searcher is looking for a specific web page or site.

Topic Research

There are several techniques that you can use to research topics for your content. You can also use the topic analysis tool to understand your audience's needs and goals, which will help you create a piece of content that is useful for them.

Look for the popular topics in your niche. Analyze content that has already been published in your niche to learn what types of questions and answers people are asking about.

Search engines like Google will also tell you what is trending and where it's trending by looking at their search trends.

Keyword Research 

Keyword research is an essential step in creating a great piece of content. You need to do keyword research because people are not searching for your brand on Google; they are searching for what they want.

Using keywords that relate to the topic or product you sell will make your content more user-friendly.

Search engines are starting to show you the most relevant keywords based on users' search intent. This is why it's essential to create content that has a precise meaning and answer all their queries quickly.

The best way to do keyword research is to go through Google Keyword Planner and get a list of the keywords your audience uses to search for what they want.

In addition, there are tools such as Google Trends or Market Samurai that you can use to see how often your target keywords have been searched over the past few years.

In addition to this, combine your copywriting skills with a great SEO (search engine optimization) strategy. Most content marketers use SEO content to leverage traffic to the website.

Plan Your Content

Once you have your list of keywords, the next step is to write out a detailed outline for each piece of content. This will help you organize all the ideas that you have into one cohesive piece. Once you have a good plan, you can work it out on the content calendar.

When creating an outline, start with the main points and include secondary points that are important. A well-planned content creation strategy includes the following points:

  • Planning for creating content regularly: This will help you avoid getting overwhelmed with the work that you have to do every week.
  • Establishing deadlines for each content creation: This is an essential step because it gives you enough time to think about the best ideas and make a schedule.
  • Reaching out to influencers: Influencer marketing is a great way to increase the number of people who will read your content. It can also help you reach more potential customers because they trust those who are already familiar with your brand.
  • Organizing your social media marketing efforts: This is an essential step because it will allow you to learn how to market effectively through social media.

When these marketing strategies are placed on point, you will find it easier to accomplish the content marketing goals. Content planning allows the content team to have a broad idea of developing quality content during publishing.

Writing your Content

The companies must be looking for writers or a group of writers that can quickly integrate into their sales team—and create content according to their requirements for new products, mergers, acquisitions, new business, etc.

As a professional writer, you must be aware of writing content that creates a hook, uses a tone that aligns with your business and the customers, and tells a story that engages your readers.

People are more likely to read if they find it exciting and worth their time.

Creating content in the right way is crucial for your company's brand and helps promote your business through social media marketing.

Here are few tips for writing content that is most likely to convert into leads:

  • Create an enticing title.
  • Use a hook to grab the attention of your readers from the first para.
  • Include the benefits of your product in the content.
  • Create scannable content that is more skimable.
  • Link to a page with more information about it.
  • Use visuals like infographics, charts, videos, and images to make it more engaging.
  • Use social media buttons to promote your content.
  • Write a summary that the readers will easily remember.
  • Ask for action in the last part of your article or use an image asking them to click on it and learn more about it.
  • Use a clear call to action buttons to entice action.
  • Use a social media sharing button to share the article on social media.

Best practices for Content Writing

As a content writer, you must have a devised practice for creating content. The most important thing is to write content that is interesting and compelling to your readers.

Here are some tips for writing good content:

Create a Content Outline

Creating a content outline will help you to write more effective and concise content. When creating an outline, use bullet points to highlight the main topics of your article.

When writing your first draft, you must organize your content to be easy to read and follow. Ensure that your article follows the proper formatting, such as headers, subheadings, bulleted lists, and numbered lists.

This will help you organize your content into more readable sections of text.

There are probably two reasons why content outlining is crucial. First, outlines speed things up because they give you a structure for organizing your thoughts in an organized way.

Second, outlines create a high level of content by putting the headings and subheadings in a structured way.

Keep content's language engaging 

When writing your content for a specific target audience, make sure that you use exciting and engaging language. This will help to engage the reader and draw them into reading more of your article.

Use persuasive language that is easy for the readers to understand. Avoid technical jargon or overly complicated words in your text.

The process of writing quality content takes time and effort, but it should be worth the effort in the end. Content that is hard for people to read will not work very well for your business goals/needs/direction etc.

Write a content quotable on social media 

When you write content, you must keep in mind what your audience will share on social media.

Whether you are writing a blog post, web content, or creating a YouTube video, it is essential to pick a quote from these pieces of content that can be used on social media to make them shareable.

Also, highlight the pieces of text from your content to make it more noticeable.

Types of Content

A content writer is not just someone who writes an engaging blog, blog posts, and content for the web.

A writer can also be involved in more complex tasks like creating a brochure or an ebook. These are more complicated forms of writing, but they still require the same amount of time and effort to create quality content.

When companies hire professional writers, they bring new ideas into the business, making it more innovative and competitive in its market niche.

Each of these content serves some purpose. Here are some content formats:

  • Articles & Long-form content
  • Product descriptions (and related content)
  • Website content
  • Email newsletters
  • Press releases
  • Ebooks

Each of these forms of content has some purpose and guidelines to follow. There are always some tips and techniques to curate content that is fit for different content types.


Content is one of the most critical components of your marketing strategy. Without it, you won't be able to reach your target audience.

The more time and effort you put into creating quality content, the better results you'll see in your marketing efforts.
The difference between good and bad content writers is not in the number of words they write. It's in the effort they put into every single word.

If you want to be a content writer, it's not as easy as you think. It will help if you learn how to write engaging and relevant blog posts to compel your readers to share the post with their friends on social media.

So many people struggle in this field, but you can be a successful content writer with some research and practice.

If you are passionate about writing, you will eventually find it easy to do so. It is just a matter of time before your skills become natural to you.

Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager
ABout the AUTHOR
Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager

Suman Samal is a Asst. Marketing Manager at Scalenut. She is a technology enthusiast with a keen interest in content marketing and SEO. She truly believes that with the right set of tools every organization can improve the ROI of their content marketing campaigns. She spends her time managing content operations at Scalenut and ensuring that everything we publish is of the highest quality.

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