Social media is one of the most effective ways to communicate with your customers, and yet, many businesses are still not on social media platforms.
Social media is the source of new customers and business leads. As such, many small businesses post daily updates on social media in order to become visible and recognized.
However, it is important not to overdo it or give the impression that you are desperate for attention.
Of course, there's much more to a successful social media strategy than simply publishing the right amount of times.
Still, there's a lot of pressure to reach that sweet spot. You don't want to annoy your fans or appear to be flooding their social media feed. You also don't want to be overlooked or miss out on possibilities.
Thus, social media marketers have a different say on how often to post on social media and what is the best time to post on these platforms.
In this blog, we have shared how often should a business post on social media to gain adequate attention and the best practices for posting on your social media accounts.
How often should a Business Post on Social Media?
Large and small businesses are increasingly using social media platforms like:
- Facebook,
- Twitter,
- Instagram,
- YouTube,
- Tiktok, and
- Pinterest to promote their products and improve sales.
You need to understand and follow various algorithms to gain attention through posting social media content.
Your social media presence may have a different impact than all other businesses on these social networking sites.
How Often to Post on Facebook?

Hubspot analyzed from 13,500+ customers on Facebook (now Meta) to determine if posting more frequently will help businesses reach more people.
Only the business pages with more than 10,000 followers experienced an increase in clicks when they posted more than once each day, according to the study.
When business pages with fewer than 10,000 followers published content twice a day, they earned 50% fewer clicks per post.
Facebook's news feed algorithm has now made changes by preferring businesses that do not post spammy content.
Experts recommend that you upload great content once a week as your Facebook posts to increase your clicks per post.
This will double your chances of getting more clicks per post and is also one of the quickest strategies to get more traffic to your Facebook page.
That said, the optimal posting frequency on Facebook is 5 to 10 posts per week.

How Often to Post on Twitter?
A tweet has an average lifespan of 15-20 minutes. After this amount of time has passed, your followers' feeds will have received enough fresh postings to push yours to the bottom.
The minimum time one should tweet is at least once per day. It's better to tweet between 3 to 6 times a day. As you gain more and more traction, it’s appropriate to post even up to 8 times per day.
The majority of retweets occur within an hour of posting. Thus, a higher daily frequency can pay off. Even so, not everyone has the time to tweet 10 or more times a day.
The frequency with which you post on Twitter may differ significantly from the technique you outlined for Facebook.
Remember that no matter how frequently you post, the rule of thirds is the ideal practice:
- Thirty percent of tweets boost your business.
- 1/3rd people share personal anecdotes
- 1/3rd are expert or influencer perspectives that are educational.
How Often to Post on Instagram?
The most important thing you need to understand about Instagram is that you must remain consistent in the initiated pattern
On Instagram, the best practice is to publish three posts per day. The recommended minimum is once every 3 days and 3 times per week.
For Instagram, it isn't just the frequency of your postings, but also how consistent you are as a business.
For example, if you are publishing three times per day on Instagram and then abruptly raise or decrease the number of posts you upload after a few weeks or months, this will impact the number of people that follow you.
Set your goals and determine what frequency you can keep at a regular rate for the rest of your company's existence.
You may then control your Instagram marketing from there.
However, when it comes to enhancing the engagement and interactions of your posts on Instagram, the time of your post is crucial.
Remember to use the hashtags sparingly and to research the Instagram algorithms thoroughly. The algorithms and rules that the platform manages determine your brand's positioning and presence on the platform.
How Often to Post on Instagram Stories?
The ideal number of Instagram stories to publish per day is 10. Some people prefer to publish more frequently, around 20 times each day, but for the most part, if you post more stories, your audience will struggle to keep up with them all.
Not many of your viewers would watch all your stories or let's say, more than 10 stories at one time.
Throughout the day, you should be sharing Stories, focusing on documentation rather than invention.
How Often to Post Instagram Reels?
It's critical to post 4 to 7 reels per week to get Instagram's attention. Even Instagram suggests that you post 5-7 reels every week.
Video content is prioritized by Instagram's algorithm. As a result, publishing reels on a regular basis will boost the visibility and engagement of your account.
How Often to Post on Linkedin?
LinkedIn is a social networking site that caters to professionals all around the world. With over 770 million users, LinkedIn is the ideal network for finding new clients and talent for your company.
LinkedIn suggests that you share 20 posts each month, or about once every workday. This makes sense because most LinkedIn users access the site throughout the workweek.
Also, make sure not to post more than 5 times a day.
Your goals should dictate the frequency at which you can post messages and conversations online for followers and potential hires or clients.
Brands that post once a month on LinkedIn earn six times the number of followers as those who keep a low profile.
With more frequent posting, this pattern continues. Firms that post weekly experience double the engagement, while bands that post daily see even more attention.
How Often to Post on Pinterest?

This means that you are able to reach huge numbers of people and get more eyeballs than any other competitor.
According to Pinterest, brands should focus on something they love by creating a new board every week with quality content.
The minimum recommended frequency is 3 to 5 Pins per day. In any case, do not exceed a daily limit of 30 Pins. The average number of times to post on Pinterest is 10 to 25 pins.
It is also recommended that you take advantage of Pinterest's new updates and features, such as stories and tags.
These are the features that govern the engagement rate of all the users on the platform. As a result, you should try to use them as much as possible in order to become more well-known among active users of the platform.
How Often to Post on TikTok?

TikTok is a visual content sharing platform for smartphones, which allows you to create short videos or live music clips.
The app filters your feed and uploads new content every 15 seconds so that the audience can see new videos and content every time.
TikTok has become the birthplace of viral content, memes, influencer trends, and a variety of other things based on this basic premise.
While other social network sites may include similar features in an attempt to reach a portion of Tiktok's audience, no app has seen as a great success with small videos as TikTok.
TikTok is an excellent choice for brands looking to connect with a younger audience. Because Gen Z audiences prefer authentic and relatable content, you should strive for transparency in your brand messaging.
You should make an effort to upload at least one high-quality video per day to TikTok. The majority of TikTok users have discovered that three videos per day are optimal!
Posting more than 4 to 5 videos on TikTok, on the other hand, would be excessive.
How Often to Post on YouTube?
Video is one of the best ways to engage those who are close to your brand and helps drive more people toward it.
In fact, studies show that videos do help brands reach followers who would not have paid attention if you had only sent text messages or direct mail emails.
No wonder why YouTube is the second most popular website after the search engine Google.
You should ideally post one YouTube video per day. However, making a YouTube video takes time. In addition, the frequency with which you post YouTube videos will be determined by the average length of the videos you create.
The frequency would be much lower for longer videos.
In any case, it is not recommended to fall back to posting one video per week on YouTube.
By establishing a special posting schedule and telling your audience about it on your YouTube account, you can quickly build your YouTube channel.
Making YouTube videos requires time and effort. Don't overcommit to your audience. If possible, make your YouTube videos in bulk in order to keep them ready to upload on a schedule.
Overall, the best suggestion is to post 2 to 3 videos in a week.
How Often Should You Post YouTube Shorts?
YouTube Shorts are video segments with a maximum length of 60 seconds that are generally accompanied by popular music.
Users can share short, vertical videos on YouTube shorts, which can be viewed in the YouTube mobile app's Shorts section.
In YouTube shorts, each second counts more because the content is shorter. It's entirely up to you how often you should post YouTube shorts. However, you should limit yourself to 4 to 5 shorts per day.
How to Find the Best Posting Schedule on Social Media for Your Business?
Each social media will have its own appropriate posting frequency for each brand. If you want to discover what frequency is best for you, you'll need to use a combination of trial and error and the optimal posting time.
To begin, choose your best posting times and publish during those times.
This way, you won't miss out on opportunities or reach while you go through the trial and error process.
Besides posting, the quality of your content on social media platforms plays an important role. Plus, consistency is the key here.
The best practice is to create a content calendar for your social media marketing campaign and be sure to keep up with this schedule.
Various business owners prefer using the social media management tools like Hootsuite, Buffer or others to maintain consistency and post on the best days and preferred time zones of your target audience.
You can also get insights using these platform analytics features for mapping the success and total engagement rate of your social media platforms.