Jun 14, 2024

Ultimate Guide: How to Detect AI Writing

Yana Sharma
Ultimate Guide: How to Detect AI Writing
Yana Sharma
Jun 14, 2024

Ultimate Guide: How to Detect AI Writing

Learn how to detect AI writing with our ultimate guide. Explore tips and tricks to identify AI-generated content on our blog.
Ultimate Guide: How to Detect AI Writing

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The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has radically transformed the way we create and interact with content. With the power of natural language processing and machine learning, AI can now generate content that often mirrors human writing. However, while this breakthrough technology offers immense benefits, it also presents potential risks, calling for the need for AI content detection. 

This blog post explores the importance of detecting AI writing, the telltale signs of AI-generated content, and how to use various AI detectors for effective detection. Additionally, it will discuss whether or not to disclose when a piece of content was written with the help of AI. 

Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of incorporating original content into blog posts, as it helps to establish a connection with the audience and build trust. Let's delve into the world of AI detection and understand what makes it such a crucial aspect of content creation and consumption.

What is AI content detection?

AI content detection is a critical process that analyzes whether a piece of content—be it a blog post, a PDF file, or a paragraph—was generated by an AI model or written by a human.

The detection makes use of algorithms that look at factors such as sentence structure, tone, and the use of certain phrases typical to AI writing, using advanced AI detection model, DeepAnalyse™ Technology. 

This pioneering research in the modeling of AI content detection, specifically for Language Learning Models (LLM), includes several components that analyze text to determine its origin and if AI wrote it. It uses a multi-stage methodology designed to optimize accuracy while minimizing false positives and negatives. 

AI detection technology is constantly evolving and improving, making it a crucial tool for anyone in the tech industry.

This identification process is an integral part of ensuring content authenticity and quality in today's age of artificial intelligence and the internet.

13 ways to detect AI content writing

To spot AI content writing effectively, a comprehensive approach that combines automated tools and manual checks is best. This dual strategy will help detect not only purely AI-produced articles but also those pieces that may be a mix of human and AI effort, casting a wider net for better accuracy.

In this section, we discuss the 13 hallmarks of AI-generated content that should raise your suspicion while evaluating a piece of content. Using AI written text detector tools can also aid in identifying AI-written content.

1. Repetitive writing

One signature trait of AI content is repetitive writing. AI models, unlike humans, aren't aware when they're rehashing the same concepts or phrases redundantly. So, when you come across a piece of writing that repeatedly uses certain words or ideas, especially ones revolving around the main topic, it could indicate an AI's handiwork. This repetitive language is a key indicator of AI-generated content and can help in detecting it more effectively.

2. Formulaic sentence structures

AI models tend to adhere to set patterns and formulaic sentence structures as they generate content based on patterns and structures from training data. As such, a lack of variation in sentence structure or the presence of unnecessarily complex terms could be a sign of AI authorship. If a text possesses a rigid, formal style with an overuse of specific phrases, it is likely written by an AI.

3. Excessive use of AI typical words

AI typical words, which include certain commonly used words and phrases, are another giveaway of AI-written content. For instance, words like "crucial" and "delve" or phrases like "in today's world" can often hint towards content being paraphrased. Additionally, AI can also be used in content analysis to identify patterns and trends in writing style and word usage. So, if you come across a piece loaded with such language, there's a strong chance it's crafted by an AI.

4. Inaccurate facts and claims

AI content often contains inconsistent or inaccurate facts and claims, primarily because AI models have no way of verifying the factual accuracy of the information they generate. 

An AI-written text might confidently present information without providing an accurate source. Therefore, cross-referencing facts from AI-generated articles with reputable sources is essential for identifying potentially AI-authored content and for ensuring accuracy in the writing process. Additionally, it is important to note that OpenAI has announced that their AI Text Classifier will no longer be available as of July 20, 2023, due to its low rate of accuracy.

5. Monotonous tone of voice

The human touch is absent in AI content, and this void often manifests as a monotonous tone of voice. AI tools fail to mimic human quirks, humor, and informal language, resulting in a consistently formal and impersonal style. A lack of personality and a unique voice in the content might point out its AI origins.

6. Use AI detector tools

In addition to your perceptiveness, deploy AI detector tools as a supplementary verification method for distinguishing AI-written content. They inspect content using intricate algorithms that profile the writing style and tone. However, do remember:

  • No AI detector tool offers complete accuracy.
  • Human writing can sometimes mimic AI, leading to false positives.
  • Over-reliance on AI detector tools may lead to overlooking smaller but crucial details.

7. Generic explanations without details

A conspicuous shortage of specifics and a trend towards generic explanations are usually indicative of AI-produced content. AI-generated writing tends to stick to widespread, universally known details instead of diving deep into the topic with relevant specifics. If a piece doesn't provide robust insights or concrete evidence to support its arguments, chances are it's been written by an AI in the English language.

8. Unmet search intent

AI-written content often fails to address the search intent behind a topic thoroughly. It generally provides generic information that skirts around the real user's needs and inquiries. If you notice that a piece of content doesn't align with the title or the initial search query, it's likely an AI-authored one.

9. Lack of subject matter expertise

AI-generated content often exhibits a lack of subject matter expertise. Even though they pull from vast datasets, these texts tend to give a superficial overview of complex subjects, lacking the depth synonymous with human experts. Spotting this lack of authoritative detail can help you identify AI-generated texts.

10. Outdated content

AI tools rely on static datasets, which may contain outdated content. Because they don't update their data in real time, AI-generated articles might reference old studies or quote outdated statistics. Evaluating the content for its relevance and timeliness can help discern AI authorship.

11. Absence of personal experience

AI cannot share anecdotes or reflect on personal experiences, a quality inherent in human writing. This makes the absence of personal experiences a clear marker of AI-generated content. An AI will either paraphrase someone else's experience or provide a standard overview, both of which lack the authenticity of human experience.

12. Unconvincing storytelling

Coherent narrative and logical progression are hallmarks of human storytelling, qualities that AI often struggles to emulate. If a piece demonstrates unconvincing storytelling, with abrupt changes in the topic or a disjointed flow of thought, an AI has likely generated it.

13. Difficulty with sarcasm

Understanding and employing wit in writing requires a level of emotional intelligence that's unique to humans. AI tools generally struggle with sarcasm and humor, often misusing them and creating awkward sentences. An inability to accurately detect and employ sarcasm can be a sign of AI-generated content.

Best AI Detector Tools To Check Out

There are several AI detector tools in the market designed to help identify AI-generated text. Each has its unique method of detection, offering a varying degree of accuracy. In the following sections, we delve into some of the best AI detectors, including Gltr.io, Originality.ai, Writer.com, and the AI word Detector, as well as our own AI text detector free tool, that utilize generative AI technology. Each tool brings a unique set of features to the table to help you identify AI-written content, including the ability to detect and humanize AI-generated text with Surfer's AI Detection Software and AI Content Humanizer, transforming it into text that looks like a skilled and experienced human writer wrote it.


Scalenut AI detector

Scalenut AI Detector is a cutting-edge tool that offers advanced capabilities in detecting AI content. With its sophisticated algorithms and machine learning technology, Scalenut can accurately identify and flag any ai generated content across various platforms. This powerful tool provides users with real-time content detection and ensures a seamless and efficient content moderation process. 

Whether you are a brand looking to maintain a positive online reputation or a platform striving to create a safe digital environment, Scalenut AI Detector is a valuable resource for enhancing content detection strategies.



GLTR.io detector is a powerful tool in the world of AI detection. This innovative system employs cutting-edge technology to detect anomalies and errors within text, making it an indispensable resource for those seeking top-notch accuracy in their AI projects. Its user-friendly interface and robust capabilities set it apart as a go-to solution for professionals looking to enhance the precision and reliability of their AI systems.

Whether you are a seasoned AI specialist or just dipping your toes into the field, the GLTR.io detector is a must-have AI bot detector tool for streamlining your workflow and elevating your projects to new heights of excellence.



Originality.ai is one of the best AI detector tools available in the market. This tool is designed to help users detect any signs of plagiarism in their content, ensuring that it is original and unique. 

With Originality.ai, users can easily scan their documents, articles, or research papers to identify any instances of copied content using its advanced plagiarism checker. This tool is especially useful for writers, researchers, and students who want to ensure that their work is authentic and free from plagiarism. By using Originality.ai, users can have peace of mind knowing that their content is original and meets the highest standards of integrity. Additionally, Originality.ai offers a convenient Chrome Extension that gives users 50 free credits to try out the service and detect AI writing from GPT, ChatGPT, GPT-4, and Bard.

Originality.ai is an AI checker characterized by its effective detection algorithm. Offering both free and paid versions, this tool can analyze large volumes of text, making it ideal for in-depth content examination.



Writer.com is a valuable AI detector tool that can help writers enhance their content by providing real-time suggestions for improving grammar, style, and readability. By utilizing Writer.com, writers can ensure that their work is polished and professional, ultimately leading to more engaging and impactful writing. This tool is particularly useful for individuals looking to improve their writing skills or for businesses aiming to create high-quality content that resonates with their audience. With Writer.com, writers can take their content to the next level with confidence and precision.

Thoughts on How to Detect AI Writing

In the information-rich world we live in today, distinguishing between human-written and AI-generated content has never been more important. While AI writing tools have their benefits, the potential for misuse and plagiarism, along with the risks of misinformation, necessitate an effective detection strategy. To accurately spot AI content, one must consider a combination of clues and patterns typical to AI, including repetitiveness, inaccuracies, absence of real-life experiences, and uniform sentence structures, as well as the author's personal opinions.

AI detection tools can also assist, but remember, they aren't infallible. As AI continues to evolve, so does its mimicking of human speech. Hence, staying alert and up-to-date with the nuances of AI-generated content is essential. As we move forward, it's our responsibility to ensure that we do not lose the essence of human touch and authenticity in our content, even as we leverage the efficiencies of AI. However, it is important to remember that AI detection tools should not be solely relied upon. The best way to detect AI writing is by using your judgment and paying attention to the details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can AI always detect AI written content?

While AI detectors prove helpful in detecting AI-generated content, they are not foolproof. False positives—human-written text flagged as AI—are common occurrences. Hence, AI detection tools should be used as a guide, not an absolute indicator.

How do educational institutions detect AI writing?

Educational institutions primarily rely on AI detector tools to identify potential AI writing in student assignments. However, manual checks and expertise in recognizing repetitive phrasing, formulaic structures, and outdated references also play a crucial role in the detection process.

Is AI writing ethically acceptable?

While there isn't a clear consensus on the ethical aspect of AI writing, there are concerns about the misuse of AI generators for deceptive or manipulative purposes. However, when used responsibly, AI writing tools can be helpful for automating routine tasks.

Yana Sharma
Content Writer
ABout the AUTHOR
Yana Sharma
Content Writer

Yana Sharma, an experienced blogger specializing in topics such as SEO (Search Engine Optimization). With a passion for digital marketing and a keen understanding of search engine algorithms, Yana Sharma crafts insightful and informative blog posts to help businesses and individuals optimize their online presence. Through practical tips, industry insights, and expert guidance, she empowers readers to navigate the ever-changing landscape of SEO and achieve their online goals

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