Apr 13, 2023

Homepage SEO: Here's Everything You Need To Know

Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
Homepage SEO: Here's Everything You Need To Know
Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
Apr 13, 2023

Homepage SEO: Here's Everything You Need To Know

Elevate your website's search engine visibility with our expert guide to optimizing your homepage for SEO. Read on to improve your homepage SEO.
Homepage SEO: Here's Everything You Need To Know

Table of contents

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of the homepage is crucial for every type of website, whether a personal blog, a company's official website, or an online store. 

Although the homepage may not be your primary focus for high search engine rankings, it is still vital to optimize it for maximum visibility and accessibility. 

In this blog, we take a look at everything about homepage SEO. By the end of it, you’ll know the best practices to follow. So, without any further ado, let's get into it! 

4 Steps To Build SEO Friendly Homepage 

Read on to learn the vital steps for building a home SEO page. 

1. Choose the keyword you want to target 

It's essential to ensure that your website's homepage clearly communicates to both Google and your audience about the product or service you offer. It can be achieved by targeting specific keywords that define the context of the page.

While focusing on a single keyword, it's essential to remember that your page will rank for several related keywords. First, create a list of keywords that accurately define your product or service. 

For instance, if you're in the market for communication tools and competing against Intercom, you can use the following strategies to populate your list:

  • Conduct a brainstorming session: You can do this on your own or with a group to generate a list of relevant keywords or phrases that come to mind. As an expert in your niche, these words should come to you naturally.
  • Analyze your competitors: Compile a list of your competitors and analyze their websites to determine the words they use to describe their products and services. This exercise will help you identify potential keywords that you may have overlooked. 

2. Complete Content Requirements 

The next step is to create relevant content for the meta title, meta description, main content, and schema makeup. Let's take a look at each in detail. 

Meta Title 

Meta title is a crucial component of your homepage's SEO. It is the title that appears in the search engine results and provides a brief idea about the page's content. A well-crafted meta title can attract more clicks and improve your website's visibility in search engine results.

To create an effective meta title for your homepage, consider the following tips:

  • Keep it concise: Your meta title should be a maximum of 60 characters. Search engines truncate titles longer than this, and users may not be able to read the complete title.
  • Include your primary keyword: Your primary keyword should be included in the meta title. It helps search engines understand the content of your page and improves your ranking for that keyword.
  • Make it compelling: Your meta title should compel users to click on your page. Use action-oriented language and unique selling points, and create a sense of urgency.
  • Brand your business: Your meta title should include your venture name to create brand awareness and improve recognition.

Remember, your meta title should accurately reflect the content on your homepage. Avoid using clickbait titles that do not match the page's content, which can harm your website's reputation and ranking. 

Meta Description 

Similar to the title tag, the meta description does not directly impact your website's ranking on search engines. However, a well-crafted meta description can still compel potential visitors to click through to your homepage. To achieve this:

  • Create a compelling description that encourages users to click through to your site.
  • Avoid using clickbait as it can make your website appear untrustworthy.
  • Keep your description under 160 characters in length. 
  • Consider treating your title and description as two parts of the same message, with the description serving as an extension or support of the title's message.

Main Content 

When creating the main content of your homepage, it's vital to keep your brand and business in mind. Consider what your visitors need to know right away and what sets you apart from others in your industry. 

Your website's user path should also be clear and easy to follow. While SEO is important, it should come second to these considerations.

To optimize for SEO, you should focus on two key things: matching search intent and naturally inserting your target keyword into the H1 tag. To match search intent, analyze the top pages that rank for your target keyword and identify what topics and information they cover. 

Try incorporating similar points into your main content to help Google see your page as informative and helpful for searchers. You can use tools like Scalenut to find related keywords and phrases on the top-ranking pages for your target keyword frequently mention. 

Besides, don't forget to mention your brand in the copy, as many searchers will probably use branded keywords to find your homepage.

When it comes to inserting your target keyword into the H1 tag, remember that it's essential for both SEO and improving the user experience. 

While it's helpful for Google to understand the context of your page, you should also aim to make your H1 copy more persuasive and compelling than your competitors.

Add Schema Markup 

Schema markup is a type of code that assists search engines in comprehending your content and displaying it more accurately in search results. By incorporating schema markup, you could increase your chances of appearing in rich snippets on SERPs, resulting in a boost in website traffic.

Applying schema markup to your website's homepage is similar to completing meta tags. You are providing specific details about your company, goods, and other aspects using predetermined classifications. While you can create schema markup manually, utilizing resources such as the Schema Builder extension could be the most effective approach. 

3. Build High-Quality External Links 

In order to compete for non-branded keywords in search engines, your homepage must have backlinks like any other page. However, acquiring high-quality backlinks can be challenging. 

Persuading other sites to mention your brand or product can take considerable effort. Despite the difficulty, there are several avenues you can explore to obtain quality backlinks for your homepage.


Having positive reviews for your product or service can significantly boost its demand. However, reviews that also provide high-quality backlinks can further improve your search engine ranking and attract more traffic to your website.

To find review opportunities, one approach is to study your competitors' backlinks and contact the same websites for reviews. 

You can also identify potential opportunities by using Google to search for reviewers in your product category or by filtering your competitors' backlinks using keywords commonly used in reviews, such as "best," "compare," "comparison," "alternative," and so on. 

Digital PR

Building high-quality external links is crucial for a successful homepage SEO strategy. One effective way to do this is through digital PR, which involves creating valuable content and pitching it to relevant influencers in your industry. 

To make the most of digital PR, it's vital to create high-quality content, pitch it to influencers, build relationships with them, and monitor your backlinks to ensure they remain relevant and active. 

Guest Posts

Guest posting has become a well-established trend on the internet and needs no introduction. Guest posts can prove to be advantageous for brands and their products or services, just like reviews.  

It can help create brand awareness, increase product demand, and provide various other benefits, making it a worthwhile strategy to consider. 

However, when it comes to SEOs and guest blogging, the primary focus should be on obtaining high-quality backlinks. In fact, acquiring a single high-quality backlink is sufficient to achieve the desired results.

To find suitable guest-blogging opportunities, one can manually search for them using Google. 

Other Methods

There are various methods to obtain backlinks, and link building is a multifaceted subject that includes several strategies. Consider these alternative approaches:

  • Gain exposure in directories and listings, particularly with homepages geared towards local businesses. This approach is particularly beneficial.
  • Include links on community websites to gain exposure and enhance your reputation.
  • Analyze your competition's backlinks to duplicate their connections, such as those from review sites, and identify trends in the kinds of backlinks they receive.
  • Regain lost connections that were once active but are now dead.

4. Insert Internal Links 

Add links from your homepage to other pages 

Adding internal links from your homepage to other pages on your website is an essential aspect of homepage SEO. It not only helps visitors navigate your website more easily but also helps search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of your site. 

Make sure to use descriptive anchor text for your links and consider the user experience when deciding which pages to link to. By adding internal links to your homepage, you can boost the SEO value of your other pages and ultimately improve your website's overall performance in search engine rankings.

Add links from other pages to your homepage

Adding external links from other pages on your website to your homepage can also help improve your homepage SEO. It is because external links provide an indication of your website's authority and relevance to search engines. 

When other high-quality websites link to your homepage, search engines view your website as more trustworthy and valuable. Make sure to focus on building high-quality backlinks from relevant websites and using descriptive anchor text for your links. 

Also Read: FAQ Page SEO: How To create SEO friendly FAQ website page

10 Homepage SEO Best Practices To Follow 

Are you ready to optimize your homepage? Here are the best practices to follow. 

1. Optimize Homepage Title 

There is more you can do instead of simply using your business or website name as the homepage title. Use creative and informative titles to provide both users and search engines with a clear understanding of your website's primary focus. Here are a few guidelines you can follow. 

  • Limit your title to 60 characters or less.
  • Incorporate relevant keywords that accurately represent your website or business, not just your brand name.
  • Place your target keywords at the beginning of the title to ensure they are given priority by search engines.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing; only include the keywords that are most essential to your website or business.
  • Use a clear, concise title that accurately reflects your website or business. For example, instead of "Digital Marketing | SEO | Social Media | Links," use "Affordable Digital Marketing Services by [Your Business Name]".
  • Begin your title with your domain or business name for maximum impact.

2. Optimize Meta Description 

The meta description merits careful consideration as this blurb is visible to users in the search engine results pages (SERPs). While you have control over the description you provide, Google search may still decide to display its own version instead. This can happen if your description is too brief or too lengthy or if it appears to be stuffed with keywords.

Go through this guide ‘Meta Tags For SEO: A Complete Guide For Beginners’ to learn more about meta tags and SEO. 

3. Optimize the H1 Tag 

Every single page on your website, including the homepage, should have exactly one H1 tag. The H1 tag is typically located at the beginning of the page and is commonly used to display the page title.

In case you have the option to choose the H1 tag for your homepage, ensure that you integrate relevant keywords into the tag. It can assist search engines in understanding the main topic of your website and improve your rankings.

Also Read: What is H1 Tags and How It Helps In SEO?

4. Homepage Image SEO 

A well-designed homepage should include visually appealing images to enhance user experience and effectively convey your message.

In addition to aesthetic benefits, images can also boost your website's search engine optimization (SEO) by providing extra contextual clues to the crawlers.

To optimize your images for SEO, it's important to follow these guidelines:

  • Always include descriptive ALT text that accurately depicts the content of the image.
  • Incorporate relevant keywords into your ALT text in a natural way.
  • When an image contains text, separate the two to ensure that search engines can read the text.
  • For the best possible SEO results, avoid embedding text within the image itself. Instead, use HTML and CSS to add text to the page while keeping the image separate.

5. Add Proper Structured Data Markup 

Structured data is a standardized format used to communicate information about your website's content to search engines. This format includes specific tags and metadata that help search engine crawlers understand the meaning and context of your data.

By implementing structured data on your website, you can improve your visibility in SERPs. This is because search engines may use your structured data to display rich snippets, knowledge graph entries, or other enhanced search features, which can attract more clicks from users.

To get the most out of structured data, you should include the appropriate schemas for your website's content. For example, if you run an online business, you should define the Organization schema. 

If you have a physical store, you should use the Local Business schema, and if you run a personal blog, you should include the Person schema. By doing so, you can help search engines present your content in the most relevant and useful way possible.

6. Optimize Your Logo 

To make your website stand out, it's essential to have a distinctive logo. There are two simple ways to enhance your logo:

  • Ensure that the image file name corresponds with your website name. 
  • Include your website name in the ALT text associated with the logo image.

7. Homepage Content SEO 

Depending on the purpose of your website, the homepage may vary in terms of its content. For example, if it is a corporate website, the homepage may contain information about the company, links to internal pages, and relevant images. 

Alternatively, an eCommerce store may showcase latest products, promotions, and links to different product categories. Regardless of the type of website you have, it is crucial to include sufficient text content on your homepage that is easily readable and understandable by search engines. 

It's not recommended to have a homepage that is solely composed of images or videos without any accompanying text. Additionally, it's important to incorporate target keywords or their variations into your content.

If you examine your homepage, you'll notice how your keywords, content, and internal links work together seamlessly.

8. Optimize Homepage Loading Speed 

Another thing you must do to enhance your homepage SEO is to optimize its loading speed. Here are a few tips. 

  • Invest in a fast and reliable web hosting service. Consider upgrading to a dedicated server or a VPS if you're still on shared hosting. It's a small price to pay for better website page speed, which can significantly impact user experience and SEO.
  • Compress your image files before uploading them to your website. Use photo editing software to reduce the file size and then optimize them further using an image optimizer tool. If you have a lot of images, consider using a content delivery network (CDN) to reduce the loading time.
  • Use Google PageSpeed Insights to test your website's speed and get actionable insights on how to improve it. The tool analyzes your website's performance and provides suggestions on optimizing images, reducing server response time, and other factors that can impact website speed.
  • If you use videos on your website, consider hosting them on a third-party video hosting service like Vimeo or Wistia instead of your server. This can significantly reduce the load on your server and improve the website speed.
  • Keep your website software and plugins up-to-date. Software updates often include performance improvements, bug fixes, and security patches that can help improve your website's speed and overall performance.

9. Check Mobile-Friendliness 

Google has implemented a new ranking algorithm specifically for mobile websites, known as the mobile-first index. However, the fundamental SEO settings such as titles, descriptions, and header 1 remain the same for both desktop and mobile websites.

To optimize your homepage for SEO, it is advisable to perform a mobile-friendly test and correct any identified issues. Additionally, ensure that the content on your mobile homepage is identical to that of the desktop version to prevent conflicting signals from reaching Google.

For optimal results, implementing a responsive website design is recommended, as any SEO improvements made for the desktop will be automatically applied to a mobile device.

10. Site Structure and Navigation 

Here’s how site structure and navigation can help you improve homepage SEO. 

Site Navigation

Effective site navigation is crucial for enhancing the usability of your website. To ensure a user-friendly experience, it's important to ensure that your website's important pages can be accessed from your menu in no more than three clicks.

It's also advisable to avoid having nested menu elements that go beyond three levels. Additionally, consider having the menu 'always on top' while the user navigates further down the page. This ensures that users can easily access the menu at any point while browsing.

An organized and easy-to-navigate menu structure not only enhances user experience but also helps to reduce bounce rates and encourage users to visit more pages on your website.

Site Structure

An SEO-optimized site structure is vital for your website's success. Your website should have a hierarchical structure where the homepage is the focal point, and all other pages are grouped into categories based on their type.

To keep things simple and easy to navigate, your hierarchy should be no more than two or three levels deep. All pages on your website must be accessible from the homepage within three clicks.

It's worth noting that search engines crawl websites by visiting the homepage and following any links to other pages. Therefore, your homepage should link to all the essential pages, including sales pages and blog posts that you want to promote more than others.

Other Essential Elements of a Highly Optimized Homepage 

In addition to the aforementioned factors that pertain to homepage SEO, a supremely optimized homepage must also incorporate the subsequent components

Call to Action (CTA)

Irrespective of the type of website, a homepage must serve a definite objective.

If you are marketing merchandise, then the principal objective should be to guide users to your product pages.

If you are vending services, then the objective should be to guide users to your services page, and in the case of blogs, to your articles.

CRO Implementation 

CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) is a crucial aspect of a highly optimized homepage. The ultimate goal of any website is to convert visitors into customers, subscribers, or leads. CRO implementation involves analyzing visitor behavior on your homepage and making data-driven decisions to improve conversions.

One of the first steps in implementing CRO is to identify your homepage's key performance indicators (KPIs). These KPIs can include bounce rate, time on page, and conversion rate. Analyzing these metrics can help you identify which areas of your homepage need improvement.

Besides, A/B testing is a crucial part of CRO implementation. By testing different variations of your homepage, you can see which design and content elements lead to the highest conversions. Continuously testing and tweaking your homepage can lead to significant improvements in conversion rates over time. 

Homepage SEO Checklist 

In order to make things easier for you, we’ve created a seamless category-wise checklist so you don’t miss out on anything. 

A. Homepage Title 

  • Keep the title length around 60 characters.
  • Start with the domain name and target keywords.

B. Homepage Meta Description 

  • Keep it under 155 characters.
  • Include target keywords and variations.
  • Highlight benefits and end with a call to action.

C. H1 Tag and Headings 

  • Have one H1 tag on the homepage.
  • Use the primary target keyword in H1.
  • Use related keywords in other headings.

D. Homepage Images 

  • Add keyword-rich ALT text to all images.
  • Use compressed image formats.
  • Optimize filenames with descriptive text.
  • Use appropriate sizes for faster loading

E. Logo Optimization

  • Include the business name in the filename and ALT text.
  • Optimize for mobile and desktop devices.

F. Structured Data Markup 

  • Use schema.org or other formats.
  • Include business details, social media profiles, and reviews.
  • Test with Google's Structured Data Testing Tool.

G. Homepage Content 

  • Have descriptive text content.
  • Use text for links.
  • Include target keywords and variations.

H. Loading Speed 

  • Consider moving to a VPS.
  • Keep software up-to-date.
  • Use Google Lighthouse to analyze speed.

I. Mobile-Friendly 

  • Ensure content is the same as desktop.
  • Install SSL.

J. Site Structure and Navigation 

  • Link to all vital pages from the homepage.
  • Ensure users can access any page in 3 clicks or less.
  • Adjust navigation and homepage structure based on Google's site links.

K. CTA and Trust

  • Add clear call-to-action links.
  • Include elements to establish trust with users (testimonials, reviews, etc.).

Use Scalenut to Optimize your Homepage Content 

Scalenut is an AI-powered SEO and Content Marketing Platform that can assist you by delivering valuable insights and data-backed recommendations. The tool makes it easy to identify opportunities for enhancing your website's SEO and take actionable steps toward optimizing your homepage. 

Its range of exclusive features includes Keyword Planner, SEO Optimizer, and SERP Analysis will help your brand stand out. 

Ready to improve your homepage ranking? Sign up for a free 7-day trial today and experience the benefits of Scalenut for yourself.


What should be included in a SEO homepage?

An SEO-optimized homepage should have a clear and concise title tag, a descriptive meta description, relevant and unique content, well-structured headers, internal links to important pages, and optimized images with alt tags.

Is homepage important for SEO?

Yes, the homepage is an essential part of SEO as it's the first page visitors see. Plus, it sets the tone for the entire website. A well-optimized homepage can improve search engine rankings and increase organic traffic to the website.

How long should a homepage be for SEO?

There is no specific length for a homepage. That is because it varies depending on the content and purpose of the website. However, a homepage should be long enough to provide all the necessary information about the website and its services while also being concise and easy to navigate for visitors.

Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager
ABout the AUTHOR
Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager

Suman Samal is a Asst. Marketing Manager at Scalenut. She is a technology enthusiast with a keen interest in content marketing and SEO. She truly believes that with the right set of tools every organization can improve the ROI of their content marketing campaigns. She spends her time managing content operations at Scalenut and ensuring that everything we publish is of the highest quality.

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