Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
Oct 27, 2021

What is SEO Ranking? Where are the most crucial factors for Google SEO ranking?

Do you know that Google constantly looks at various factors to determine how it ranks a website in search results? This article tells you how Google calculates your site's PageRank and tells you what else they look at while calculating its ranking in search results.
What is SEO Ranking? Where are the most crucial factors for Google SEO ranking?

Table of contents

Google is changing its algorithm then and now. With the change in Google algorithms, SERP volatility increased drastically.

This means that changes in SERPs result not only have an impact on visual searches but also strongly push/pull your site towards either “Search” or the Organic Position as the case may be.

Google will continue adjusting ranking signals to best meet the needs of searchers. That's why SEOs focus on Search engine results. As the competition increases, various SEOs come up with different tactics and focus on the Google ranking factors.

Now, Google On-page SEO (Search Engine Optimization) factors are good but, high-quality content is paramount. In this guide, we will be sharing the complete checklist on SEO ranking and how to boost your web page on SERPs.

What is Ranking in SEO?

In SEO, ranking refers to your web page’s position on the search engine results pages (SERPs). A #1 rating means it is ranked first when someone searches for a particular term.

SEO Ranking is the process of improving your website's visibility in search engines. The more visible your website is, the more people are likely to find it.

This is what SEO Ranking is all about. It is an essential part of every web page's existence. Search engines are constantly trying to find ways to improve their rankings. They are constantly looking for new techniques that will help them understand the data they have on their websites.

Google’s PageRank (PR) algorithm enhances its evaluation of search results by using on-page factors like keywords, keyword density, relevant tags, and content quality. The more quality your web page generates depends upon how much relevance it holds with certain queries.

With this, Google keeps a sort of ranking static by utilizing their knowledge about many websites and what they do according to PR. By the use of these pages’ data on query manipulation, search engine operators achieve a better SERP position in terms of visibility.

What does Google look for in SEO?

Google says the web pages are organized to help people find things they need by organizing the world's information and making its search service useful for everyone in every country, everywhere.

This means Google is looking for websites in the real world that are useful, relevant, and user-friendly. Keywords that are relevant to the products and services being offered by a website can have an effect on rankings.

This is why search engine optimization becomes imperative in every web page's existence.

Here is how Google uses and sorts the pages for ranking:

First, Google crawls the web. It looks for links to websites or pages that are being linked to by other sites on the web. It uses the spiders to do that.

Second, they extend the index by crawling more popular websites so you can get better search results for your website's pages.

When people search Google, it shows you what is relevant to the search terms they enter. It uses information from trillions of pages in its index and decides which ones are most important for you when they want to find something related to your words or questions that matter most.

How does Google search rankings work?

Google search engine uses various factors to rank a page when someone searches for a specific term. It checks for the factors like:

  • Purpose of the page
  • Content quality
  • User interaction with the page (time on page, bounce rates, and so on)
  • Expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T)
  • Website reputation and content creator reputation
  • Page authority.

Google shows you results that are relevant to what you're looking for, based on how many other people searched for it recently.

Search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo! use an algorithm to rank websites for keywords searched by online users worldwide when they are looking for something specific on the internet. SEO is essentially about optimizing these two factors via keyword phrases or domain names to boost visibility and page rankings.

What are the top ranking factors for Google?

The search engine giant, Google, is the most important tool for any internet user to find information on the web. The company constantly looks at various factors to determine how it ranks a website in its search results.

We looked at all of these factors and compiled a list of the top ranking factors that contribute to the quality of websites in Google's search results.

Publish high-quality content

Google always wants to rank websites with the most authoritative and trustworthy content.

It is important for a website owner or an internet marketer to write high-quality, original material that can also contain relevant keyword phrases.

Always give them something valuable which cannot be found anywhere else online. It means writing unique articles without copying others' work as duplicating will bring low search engine results under penalty from Google because it considers this as spamming its database.

Google also considers the following into account to consider the high-quality content:


Google has come up with new algorithm updates in the last two years of 2016 and 2017. These are called "Rankbrain" updates.

The RankBrain algorithm helps Google's core ranking system understand what people are interested in and which pages they want more of.

They focus on improving user experience by suggesting search queries to complete through voice command or text commands, for example, when someone asks Google to find a restaurant they are likely searching for food but not necessarily looking at reviews of restaurants anymore.

Keyword Usage

Google looks at the word usage on a website to help determine which of your content is most relevant and valuable for users. In order to improve your search engine ranking, Google suggests you "be as relevant as possible".

The popularity of keyword research shows the importance of creating high-quality content to rank well in Google. It also supports SEO because it helps you better understand how search engines work and what people are searching for online.


Content freshness is nothing new to Google. They've said that for a long time now, but there was still debate about what "fresh" meant in the context of their algorithm changes.

When users come to your website, they will expect that you have content and be relevant. The timing in which you serve this content is important because it determines the reasonability of ranking in Google.

Make your site mobile-first

Google tries to improve search engine results based on the content of your website. When you make a site mobile-first by making it responsive, Google is more likely to rank this page because clients are more used to searching for things that look great on mobile devices first.

Mobile-first indexing means Google indexes everything on your site, but if you have a separate mobile website, it will be indexed instead of the desktop version.

Google index your site using a mobile-first approach. If you have a separate mobile website, the URL of your mobile site will be used instead of the desktop version for ranking in search results.

Mobile Usability

The Google search engine often changes the way it follows links based on user behavior when they are using a browser instead of when they are in an app.

They do this so that their algorithm can better serve people who use phones and not computers for all sorts of things, including searching the web or emailing someone else online.

There are multiple parts to building a responsive website. The first is creating the layout on which all your pages will be placed, second is defining how each page should look different depending on whether you're viewing it from mobile or tablet devices.

There are basic differences between this layout that can change based on screen size and browser settings

On custom websites, some people use reverse-responsive design with indexing by both desktop search engines as well as mobile search engines.

Mobile SEO is concerned with creating a site that ranks well in search results when accessed from a mobile device.

This is based on the technology of the desktop, tablet, and smartphone operating systems currently used by web users.

Improve Your User Experience

User experience (UX) has an impact on SEO, as we have seen with the updates to Page Experience. Success with SEO will depend on the quality of UX, which includes responsive design.

Designing a user experience that works well in SEO is very important for success on Google and other search engines like Bing and Yahoo!.

When designing for mobile devices, in particular, be sure to test your pages across different platforms and sizes (phones/tablets versus large-screen computers). Prospective users with smartphones or tablets are most likely accessing online content via their phones or tablets.

Sites with a poor experience can have a lower SERP rank, which will negatively affect conversion rates for sales and marketing campaigns.

Site Architecture

Site architecture has a big impact on SEO, which means it influences how searches are done on the Internet and what people see when they visit a website.

For example, the way that your site connects to other server-based network websites (the host) will determine how it is crawled by search engine robots.

The site architecture helps users find what they are looking for with a better navigation system. It can help search engines to find more pages on a website as well.

Using the XML sitemap is one of the best ways to submit your site to search engine crawlers.

Core Web Vitals

The core web vitality score is more than just an indicator of how relevant your site's content will be to search engines; it also influences what information Google determines about the quality of sites in general (the "user experience").

Core Web Vitals are three critical metrics. They tell how quickly a website loads and how responsive it is to a person's input. In Google's Page Experience Signal, they will be bundled with Mobile Friendliness, Safe Browsing, HTTPS, and Intrusive Interstitials.

SEO requires an understanding of where your website ranks in the SERPs, but it also benefits from knowing how well other websites are ranking too.

The report given by this tool contains valuable information that you can use to improve your website's page speed.

Your Web Vitals are important because they show how good your user experience is and whether people convert on a webpage fast enough to get what they want out of it.

Create a Secure Website (HTTPS)

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) has become part of the internet lexicon in recent years. You see HTTPS whenever you visit a secure website, instead of HTTP when visiting an unsecured website.

While not switching to HTTPS won't necessarily harm your website, there have been several changes since Google first announced it as a ranking signal way back in 2014.

It is recommended to get the certificate for every domain/subdomain in use if you are using any CDN or cache system like Cloudflare.

Even though there isn’t enough evidence of the effect of this update yet, switching your site can help you rank higher in search results.

Optimize your Page Speed

One of the most important factors is how fast your page loads. Google considers speed as one of five ranking elements that determine where a website appears in results.

The other ranking signals include relevance, authority and quality content on the page just like these are also determining where you rank for particular keywords or subject matter queries.

Web pages have an impact on this factor if their loading time matches with user expectations then eventually users access to higher ranks quicker which can increase users conversion rates for a particular product.

If a page loads quickly, people will think it is fast loading. That makes it easy to rank well in search engine rankings and get traffic from users who use these engines like Google or Bing.

Faster loading pages lead to a better overall website experience, hence Google's move toward making it a mobile ranking factor.

There are a number of speed testing tools that can help improve page speed and gives various metrics that can slow down the speed.

For example,

Google Page Speed Insights is a tool that measures the performance of your website and its speed. It helps you to improve the load time and load capabilities of your website. It also helps you to improve the loading speed of your website and hence boost up your SEO ranking.

GTMetrix is another free website speed testing tool. It provides an accurate measurement of page load time, performance, and the number of requests made by the browser. The result of this test will help you to improve your website's loading speed and user experience.

Master your On-Page Optimization

On-page optimization is the best way to get traffic to your website. On-page optimization helps you create a better user experience for your visitors. You can also optimize your website content so that it attracts more traffic.

On-page optimization helps you to create better content and content marketing strategies. It is the best method of keyword research as it will provide information about how relevant your pages are, what links can be added to improve ranking on SERPs etc.

Optimizing websites helps make the content of the site more popular on Google and other search engines, which is good for finding existing high-quality information or making new great content. Moreover, SEO is a smart strategy to make your site more linked-able.

Here are a few on-page optimization techniques to check out:


Metadata includes the Page title and meta descriptions.

Using keywords in your descriptions is important too, just think of it as an optimization layer on top of meta information, content, etc. Having one very strong keyword phrase in the description leading to a high-traffic blog post might be great but using several highly relevant terms makes sure that search engines pick up what you are trying to say correctly.

In SEO, you write the best titles and descriptions for pages that let people know what those pages are all about so they have an incentive to click through them.


Another hidden component on websites is schema markups, which tell search engines more about the pages on your site than just what they contain.

Schema markup is a process that helps you to improve your website's search engine optimization. It is a simple and easy way to improve your website's ranking. It helps in maintaining the authenticity of your content and is an effective way to find out if your website is accessible on various search engines.

Search engines have to know who you are, what your business is all about in order for them to understand the value of that page.

Having a schema makes it easier for search engines to find the essential information on your site. Schema markup is what helps Google display rich snippets in search results, making it an important part of SEO.

Featured Snippets

Featured snippets are a snippet of content extracted from the page's copy and served directly in search results. They are commonly referred to as the position '0'.

As your pages gain popularity, you want them to show up in the top positions of Google's results list. One option for implementing this is by submitting sites used that are relevant for queries sent by people who search on Google-provided keywords or other words submitted through query parameters.

The snippets appear right before the organic search result and usually get more traffic than just normal displayed page content because it tends to appeal directly to users instead of visitors.

The more value you provide with keywords and other appropriate meta data, the higher chance you have of being ranked high by Google's algorithm for their search results page(s).

Internal link structure

A well-structured site will have an internal link structure that flows logically from one page to another. It helps users navigate through the site effectively and avoids making them randomly scroll down pages trying to find what they are looking for on your website.

This is especially important for sites across a wide variety of topics and industries, as each page contributes to the overall quality score given by Google.

Your strategy for linking to different pages on your site should be user-centered first. Then you can focus on how to drive traffic to a fundamental set of pages.

Use a generous amount of internal links because otherwise, searchers may lose their way in the site's pages and your overall user experience will not be as good.

Using anchor text to link to the home page or any other content, you must make sure that users will be able to determine whether it is part of your site or not. The more easily recognizable anchor text you use on important pages within your website, the better quality score you are likely getting from Google.

Earn relevant & authoritative links

The best way to increase your search engine rankings is through a mix of quality and quantity of backlinks. The value being linked from sites that have been deemed as high authority can be used to determine the worth of an incoming link, thus giving you some authoritative links further up on Google's results for relevant searches.

Creating many relevant outgoing links will improve your site's relevance score over time because it shows potential visitors who are actively looking for relevant information will link to your site.

Today, more people are researching their options on the Internet before making a purchase decision. The more relevant links you can get from trustworthy sites that contain high-quality content to your website the better chance visitors will have of finding your site out through search engines.

Key Takeaway: E-A-T impacts all ranking factors

E-A-T at my most basic level is the combination of relevance and authority. This means that when we're doing a Google search we can do a top-level of just two words, or ten keywords. We choose the ones that are relevant and click on them.

E-A-T scores are important because they can help you understand where Google is focused on improving the quality of search results.

It is not a ranking factor, but it indirectly affects your rankings. This helps us understand where Google is focused on improving the quality of search results.

E-A-T is used to evaluate the truth of your content, in turn, determining how high you will rank on search engines like Google. E-A-T indexing determines if you can be sure that your content or site is truthful, accurate, and exhaustive in nature.

Q. Which ranking factor is most important?: SEO

Ans: The most important ranking factor is the Keyword. The keyword is the most important ranking factor because it determines how well your content is shown in search results.

Is it better to rank well in Google or Yahoo Search Engine Ranking?

Ans: Both are good for different reasons. As long as the website is relevant to the search being conducted, then it will be ranked well in both search engines. The most important thing to keep in mind is that Google receives over 10 billion searches per day while Yahoo receives about 550 million searches per day. So it's all based on the popularity of the keyword with which you are ranking.


When it comes to ranking, the best strategy is to do what works. With all of the new SEO techniques and tools on the market, it can be hard to know which ones are worth your time. The good news is that there's a ton of ways to get your website ranked for search engine results without wasting hours on each new tactic.

Ranking signals are the bread and butter of SEO. If you’re not ranking well, there’s a good chance that you aren’t doing enough to make your site awesome. As with anything else in SEO, rankings can be affected by many factors, but they all boil down to one simple truth: if your site isn’t awesome, then nobody will want to click on it.

Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager
ABout the AUTHOR
Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager

Suman Samal is a Asst. Marketing Manager at Scalenut. She is a technology enthusiast with a keen interest in content marketing and SEO. She truly believes that with the right set of tools every organization can improve the ROI of their content marketing campaigns. She spends her time managing content operations at Scalenut and ensuring that everything we publish is of the highest quality.

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