May 4, 2022

What is User Intent Content: Everything You Need to Know About Search Intent

Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
What is User Intent Content: Everything You Need to Know About Search Intent
Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
May 4, 2022

What is User Intent Content: Everything You Need to Know About Search Intent

Google uses user intent to understand what visitors are looking for. This article will help you understand more about it and how it is beneficial for Google.
What is User Intent Content: Everything You Need to Know About Search Intent

Table of contents

Every minute, 3.8 million Google searches are performed, and the search engine makes every effort to offer the most satisfactory answer to each query. Understanding user intent is essential for making the most of these queries. 

We now ask specific inquiries using specific keywords when searching for information on Google. Google's algorithm was once referred to as "robotic." Because the algorithm is now more focused on the user's intent, search queries will now obtain exactly what they requested.

So, what exactly is user intent? In this blog post, we'll go over everything you need to know about user intent and how to build user intent optimized content.

What is User Intent?

While inputting a search query into Google, the goal that someone has in mind is represented by user intent. Some visitors are trying to buy a product or service, while others are looking for knowledge on a certain topic, and yet others may require more information or wish to contact a company or someone.

User intent has surpassed individual keywords as the most important ranking factor in content and search engine optimization. 

Why is User Intent Important?

Some website owners buy their way to the top of the SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) using paid rankings or online adverts.

However, when cost vs. benefit is considered, the online marketing tactics remain the more traditional (and cost-efficient) form of organic traffic.

Typical SEO strategies require you to concentrate on how search engines work. However, if you want to have a great organic traffic campaign, you must also keep the searcher in mind. Top-ranking web pages apply an SEO approach based on user intent.

Surely, using target keywords and relevant keywords, backlinks, and catchy headlines will enhance your website and attract visitors. It is one thing to get visitors to visit your website; it is quite another to entice them to stay. Users will leave if your content does not thoroughly answer their questions.

Types of User Intent

The best way to determine the user intent behind a keyword is to search for it and examine the top results. 

Examine the common feature of the articles, and if all of the findings are similar, it is evidence of universal user intent. When the results are mixed, consider whether the keyword fits your marketing approach.

The following are the different types of user intent:

  1. Informational Intent

This includes a user who is looking for information.

Before proceeding to the next action, the user wishes to gather knowledge on a given topic or product. The audience is interested in learning more about something or finding a solution to a problem.

Thus, the informational content includes how-to guides, tips and tricks, etc. 

  1. Navigational Intent

A user may simply Google the name of an online retail platform to find the appropriate link to the site, demonstrating a navigational search intent.

Navigational queries have two main goals: finding the information a user needs and quickly locating it.

  1. Transactional Intent

Transactional searches mean the users are looking to complete a purchase. These are also called the commercial intent.

You can optimize your content to meet your consumers' course of action if you identify their intent as transactional. Don't try to sell them anything; instead, write material that highlights the benefits of your products or services.

Keywords such as "purchase," "pricing," or "quote" may be used in transactional intent searches. This type of query's target audience is at the bottom of the sales funnel.

How to Leverage User Intent in Your Content Strategy?

Throughout the sales funnel, a user's journey will alter. As previously said, the funnel is divided into three sections, each of which requires unique material. Knowing what kind of material to send customers based on where they are in the sales funnel is crucial in determining your approach's effectiveness.

Your users are in the awareness stage when they reach the top of the funnel. They are looking for broad information, answers, statistics, and educating themselves on a specific issue.

The most crucial pieces of content for the awareness stage include ebooks, case studies, white papers, blog posts, instructive videos, webinars, how-to and podcasts, industry research, and event coverage, among other things.

Your users are at the discovery or assessment stage in the middle of the funnel, deciding whether or not to engage with your firm.

These are fact-finding user searches. You can establish a corporate FAQ page, product manuals, schedule a product demonstration, and send them a demo at this step. Use Call to Action like "sign up for a free demo" or "schedule a call" to encourage your users to interact with you.

Your target audience's intent to buy is highest at the bottom of the funnel.

The goal at this stage is to turn the user into a purchaser. You may give them discounts, coupons, or free trials. Tell your users exactly what to do with your call to action by being specific. Use phrases like "buy," "purchase," "receive your discount," and "start immediately."

So, how do you create content that is user-optimized? Read on further to find the answer below.

How to Create User Intent Optimized Content?

When determining the best type of content to send your users based on where they are in the sales funnel, consider what will compel them to take action. 

The best way to improve your content is to "put yourself in your users' shoes" and look for content gaps. That's what SEO (Search Engine Optimization) demands.

Check to see if your content does what you need it to do before you start writing. Is my content useful and interesting? If yes, does my content meet my goals and answer my questions?

Make sure that your content covers a wide range of topics, is complete, and meets the needs of your target audience in the best way possible.

Here are the best ways to create a content that is user intent optimized:

  1. Check your top-ranking competitors

Competing in search engines is a great way to see what you need to improve on and where your users are looking. You can also use this information to fill gaps and improve current content.

Go to Google and type in the keyword you wish to optimize. Examine the top-ranking web pages — perhaps the first five hits.

These articles rose to the top of the search results after Google determined that they were the most relevant based on a detailed study of keyword intent.

Among the top-ranking pages, determine what information did they provide:

  • What topics did they cover?
  • What type of content do they prefer more?
  • What keywords and variations did they use?

If you find all this tedious, you can simply use the Scalenut Assistant to determine the top-ranking competitors for your page. Scalenut Report will give you the top-ranking pages for the specific keyword.

For example, the keyword 'AI Copywriting' has top pages with some copywriting tools and some with the list of best copywriting tools. You can create a listicle post around this keyword to satisfy users' intent. 

  1. Pick out the thematic keywords

Searchers occasionally utilize confusing search keywords. Consider the keyword "ring." It could refer to a piece of jewelry, a corporation, or a formation.

Furthermore, the search word may have several intents on purpose. As a result, the search results for certain keywords include a variety of themes.

Thematic keywords are the most important and useful for SEO. These keywords represent a specific topic related to your page's main theme. After you've determined what topics to cover, it's time to focus on these thematic keywords.

  1. Get keyword ideas from People Also Ask

Google's SERP includes many elements, ranging from highlighted snippets to the People Also Ask (PAA) box. The PAA box can be an excellent source of search intent. It is a selection of commonly asked questions (FAQs) about a specific topic. It is also quite popular among users.

When you conduct a search query on any topic on Google, you will see the People Also Ask box after the first result. This service will show you the most frequently asked questions concerning the searched topic. You can also go deeper into related issues.

As a result, your post has a better chance of being featured in the PAA box. Furthermore, users who want to learn more will undoubtedly click on the link to your website.

Alternatively, you can use the Scalenut Editor to answer all the questions related to your main keyword. You can save time and effort by automating your answer creation using the 'Write with AI' button.

  1. Understand your target audience

More well-researched and well-informed content will help you connect with your target audience in a valuable and relevant way.

Our first step in optimizing content for user intent is to do a lot of research about our target audience, their demographics, and what they do.

After you've determined the topics to cover and identified your target audience, it is time to understand their needs. You need to answer the following questions:

-What are they looking for?

-What do they want?

-What can you offer them?

Once you have answered these questions, create content that addresses those needs. It's important to be as specific as possible when writing so that your readers will easily find your post.

With a good grasp of your target audience, you may narrow down your content to the specific intent and include as many details as you need. It also assists you in avoiding fluff that may drive away your readers.

  1. Use NLP terms

Effective user intent marketing requires using relevant NLP terms in your content. Neural networks, corpus linguistics, and discourse analysis all play a role in understanding human behavior. This is where knowing what terms to employ becomes important.

When writing for your target audience, be sure to include keywords that they may search for related to the topic at hand. Incorporating these keywords into your text will help you rank higher in search engine results and attract your target audience.

Additionally, using relevant NLP terms can help clarify the message you're trying to communicate. For example, if you're writing about fitness, include keywords like "fitness," "workout," and "exercise." This will help readers understand the information more quickly and ensure that they'll be able to take action after reading it.

In order to create content that is both engaging and useful, it's important to understand your audience. Use NLP terms when you write to ensure a high level of engagement and make sure the information you're providing is easily understood.

Now, the problem is that it is hard to find the closely relevant or the NLP terms in your content.

Using Scalenut, you can find all the relevant terms that help satisfy the search intent and makes your content creation easier.

The Scalenut Editor's sidebar has all the NLP terms that you must include in your content to boost relevancy.

Your content grade can determine the use of NLP terms. The more the number of NLP terms in your content, the higher will be your content grade.

Scalenut suggests the content grade that may help you rank better and create more relevant content. Our topic on 'Best Chrome Extensions For Digital Marketers' includes almost all the NLP terms which make the content grade 'A.'


Q. What is user intent UX?

Ans: User intent UX is the design of a user interface or interaction that reflects your target users' specific needs and wants. It can be thought of as a way to ensure that your users get what they need from your product while still satisfying the user experience and their other needs.

Q. What is intent in content writing?

Ans: Content writing with NLP focuses on the meaning behind each sentence to evoke an emotional response or connect with your reader on a deeper level. By understanding your audience and their needs, you can create truly useful and engaging content. 

Q. Is user intent always important?

Ans: Yes, user intent is important in targeting the right keywords, content type. Even if you are running a Google ad, you should know which keywords will drive purchases. Intent can be valuable when planning your content and designing the interface or interaction to reflect that intention.

Q. What SEO benefits do I have if I write my content based on user intent?

Ans: There are several SEO benefits that you can reap by writing content based on user intent. By understanding your target audience and what they need from your product, you can create useful and engaging content. This will help to boost your site’s ranking in search engines, leading more users to discover and engage with your site altogether.

Q. What kind of queries should I target?

Ans: It depends on the main topic and keyword you are writing. Also, it largely depends on your target audience and what type of content they are looking for.


User intent content is the key to success in SEO. It is the practice of ensuring that your content reflects the user's intent, which in turn helps you rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). The main takeaway from this blog post is always to consider user intent when writing and publishing your content.

Using Google Analytics and Google Search Console, you can gather more intent keywords and create content around them to fill gaps.

This will help you generate high-quality traffic and keep your brand healthy. Keep reading for more information on the different types of user intent, how to identify them, and how to write high-quality content that resonates with them!

Scalenut is an AI intelligence platform that works on modern ranking methods and tactics. By using Scalenut, you can create content focused on the NLP terms, which satisfies the user intent simultaneously.

Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager
ABout the AUTHOR
Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager

Suman Samal is a Asst. Marketing Manager at Scalenut. She is a technology enthusiast with a keen interest in content marketing and SEO. She truly believes that with the right set of tools every organization can improve the ROI of their content marketing campaigns. She spends her time managing content operations at Scalenut and ensuring that everything we publish is of the highest quality.

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